
Hey we still had Moon..

But I think Contractor is a much more contemporary name and that's why I found it amusing.

Now you've lost me:)...S'plain please.

Thank you sir.

Exactly...I can't speak for someone else but being able to kick ass metaphorically while taking care of an injustice. In modern society we are constrained in many cases from taking direct action against wrongdoers like we would have in our less sophisticated days. This can lead to pent up frustration/aggression and

It's simply cathartic for many people. Especially when you see the bad guy getting it.

As soon as I heard about this I cried a little...

I had no idea...good for him.

Is John Barrowman in Arrow?

Carl Weathers said that?

Science fiction is superior to fantasy in my opinion simply because I enjoy hard sf more.

My wife says parameter when she means perimeter.

Are we talking about the same thing? It was just a simple introduction to Darkseid surely?

Didn't say I was not ok with Contractor. I simply found it mildly amusing as it seems such a contemporary term. Like electrician, or auto mechanic.

At no stage did I consider the name derogatory and no I didn't bother doing any research first as I usually enjoy discussing with fellows on this very forum and I didn't think that it was a requisite to research before posting. I, therefore, had no idea that Engineer or Doctor could actually be a common last name in

See..I didn't know that and now you've added to my body of knowledge and understanding. Thank you.

Haven't read the comic and I was aware of some discussion in the background. But yes he seemed to come along fast.

I said "squib" but the tansrlation software is a bit wonky this morning.

You sir, are very fortunate.

Funniest thing I've read all morning! (Still early though.)