
I think we can hasten that day by suggesting he impose term limits on congress. Not within the president’s powers, he’ll be incensed that he can’t, and those vulture shits will have no choice but to send him packing to protect their own hides.

My point is that the GOP largely managed exactly that in 2009-2011, when they controlled neither branch of the legislature nor the White House. And what with that toxic do-nothing obstructionist label, managed to retake all three houses over the next six years. Not that they didn’t get an assist from the census and

The dems did that eight years ago, and how much did it hurt the GOP? Not at all? Except for the getting taken over by rabid ferrets, but they’re all shockingly cool with that.

Even better, I say we round them all up and lock them in a castle with President Bigot (away from any head of state power), and their only ticket out will be keeping that deranged narcissist happy for one week straight. I feel like the subsequent lifetime of degradation and terror ought to catch them up to speed on

Super important caveat! Talk about him, and disparagingly, but for the love of whatever deity you may claim, DO NOT ASK ANYTHING OF HIM! It will inflate his sense of his own power, and put your next fave program on the chopping block. The next time it crosses your mind to request something from him, just think about

I apologize for not completing my comment before hitting send. I got called away and didn’t want to get kinja’d.

For me, the initial sense of umbrage comes from the feeling that white men are off the hook for the part they played. I am horrified that we as white women didn’t stand up the way we needed to, but I’m furious that 7/10 white men voted for the now Chief Bigot and the response I see online is sort of a *shrug,* well of

Education in action!

And a dear friend made these.

Cannot star this enough!!

Holding it down in Madison! 75-100K strong!

I’m glad I was able to help. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the other person is acting in good faith, and I’m happy that you were. And thank you for being willing to have these debates with the other side.

Tooth loss isn’t but gestational diabetes still is, as is eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, tearing, kidney damage, bladder damage, hernias, and joint damage, and then there’s a whole smorgasbord of non-pregnancy related medical conditions whose treatments cannot be administered during pregnancy, including mental health

And they would be wrong- pregnancy can cause all sorts of organ failures. They used to measure pregnancies by how many teeth a woman had lost because the fetus leeches so much calcium out of the mother’s system. But it honestly is moot because the zygote/embryo/fetus is either separate or it’s not, and case law in

Their arguments break down pretty fast most anyway you slice it. Parents are legally responsible to care for their birthed children, but they cannot be legally mandated to donate kidneys. Or even blood, even if denying blood means that the child will die. We might think the parent heartless, but the law is super

Legally one cannot be compelled to donate one’s body or body parts medically. If the developing zygote/embryo/fetus is legally a distinct person, the state ought not be able to compel a person to donate her liver, kidneys, hear, bladder, uterus, intestines, etc to its upkeep. If it is not a legally distinct person,

Soo... if Pence, et al were to secret him away to a black site, they could just attach a random word generator his twitter account as continuing proof of life? Future scenarios just keep getting darker.