
Giving a blowjob for the first time felt like this:

Always liked Claudia because she liked Nancy Drew just like me and I totally kept a stash of candy in my room too. Plus the fab style that wasn't always so fab to everyone else but she rocked it.


Who is your favorite Babysitters Club member? Mine was always Claudia followed by Mary Anne. Kristy and Dawn were the ones I hated.

And incidentally, this is what bathhouses are like.

SO GOOD. Out of the grays, Princess of Dorne.

Basically this.

Also, first time being hit on in a gay bar:

My post-first time: feeling sexually empowered but just as awkward as ever.

That's some real "Feminism: Hour Zero, Minute One" shit right there. That's like the pre-feminist "I'm just one of the GUYS I need some sort of philosophy that tells me this is okay" bullshit. From there you could end up as fucking Ayn Rand. Stop being shitty to your lady friend.

I kind of love that I can tell who most of them are from the costumes alone. And there will never be enough Disney remix art. EVER.

My God, I need to see this movie again because I just realized I have been dating different incarnations of Troy for TWENTY YEARS.

That has got to be the funniest mis-read that could have come from this post. 4 for you glenn coacoa!