
That combover! Impressive

2003: my greatest dress ever: black taffeta, looked strapless in front, but the zipper went all the way to the neck and went around to make a choker. some sparkles

Me too! I came here just find a conversation on the series!

Don't compare your lives. You're sharing them :)

Hi! My husband and I were LD for almost three years, 1.5 of which either he or I were deployed on the boat (so no phone, no skype, only email unless we were in port.) it was shitty; there’s no other ways describe it. You honestly both have to be on the same page and have the same dedication and expectations for each

Ugh. My husband made me take him and my dad to get grenades on our recent visit. Those were only acceptable when I was 18. Gross.

That part of her definitely comes off as genuine. I’m not surprised she was fun to meet!

She tries too hard to be everything to everyone I think, to the detriment of actually being an individual. Brie’s got the whole hippy thing going, but Nikki is just annoyingly desperate to be loved by everyone

YOUR LOGIC HAS NO EFFECT ON ME - school administration

Except for Nikki, I love pretty much everybody. The baby shower drama was excessive, but Foxy really shouldn't have been hosting a shower across the country from where the mom lives. I was annoyed enough driving to and from my own shower 3.5 hours away.

Coldhands. I thought so too

I will come back in approximately 2-4 years when I finally convince the spouse that it's a good time for another dog and I will post a picture!!

I have no shame admitting I am stealing Avon Barksdale.

I definitely read your last bit as Siri.

Also, if I remember correctly it was hard labor.

Did anyone watch the 60 minutes where they looked at all the mountain lions in LA county? Apparently they've tried to move P-22 before to the North side of 101, and he just went back the next week.

Does this mean OKCupid is back to publishing their data??! I was so sad when it was sold and the original developers (two mathematicians I think?) stopped blogging. Must go crush everything published since then.

And on top of that, the grandparents raised a woman who got herself in that situation. How much better will they do this time around?

That killed me. She must have come a million miles with herself to surivive BIP.

I was up to about 4 miles for the first time in my life when I had to stop running due to pregnancy. Do you have any recommendations getting back into a routine after birth? Additionally, my goal is ultimately have a sub 8:30 tempo from 10 prior to the pregnancy.