They are afraid of losing a safe space that has traditionally been marketed, served and identified with them.
They are afraid of losing a safe space that has traditionally been marketed, served and identified with them.
Wonderful article that breaks down how #Gamergate is actually a hate group in denial. I always found it fascinating they had to create a female mascot because, quite frankly, there are few if any women who are actually a part of their circle jerk club.
All this hate for Taylor Swift for no reason. Could it be that Jezebel's standard of Female Empowerment is actually falling on the wayside?
And I do not appreciate being name-called because you disagree with me. There are other ways to debate.
No, that's not what I'm saying. The test makes it hard for people who don't have TIME to memorize institutions like that, and the price tag ( a handsome 75 - 100 dollars per test) is overwhelming to minorities and poor people. It rigs education and messes up equal opportunity.
They do realize these kids have read harry potter, yah?
NOt necessarily. I took that test, and some of the questions are completely and utterly irrelevant to a strong understanding of history. Me not knowing what art institute houses romantic paintings specific to the NE region is teaching me diddly squad, more so when I get docked for not knowing said stupid question.
AP Tests are the absolute worse. I remember taking AP Courses in high school and I did learn a great deal, but the tests are absolutely, stupidly designed.
She was right not to show the LAPD an ID.
Honestly, that sounds like BS on BS mountain. It reminds me of excuses people make in Texas so that its almost impossible for a woman to receive contraception or get access to an abortion.
Nicki Minaj wants to inspire high school students vs Snarky stupid principles who don't care what their students want.
I agree. We need to stop jumping to conclusions in journalism before, you know, shit actually hits the fan? If it hits the fan?
Wow. You guys really like playing god to virtual people's lives, eh?
I always remember hearing "The Sims is for GIRLS because DRESSUP" line and kindly reminding whoever spouted this line that Grand Theft Auto also has dress up options, so must be a girly game as well.
This is a fair and just point.
Even if they argue it was not a lynch, the fact they left that body out... Do you know how many African Americans have brutally experienced the trauma of lynching? How many elders in that community have had a family member, a loved one, a friend lynched?
When you leave a body out for four 1/2 hours in front of a community of friends, loved ones and parents (They did not cover his body until ten minutes after she arrived) - exposed in the open air...