Hot Mess Cinderella

I'm a believer of making trolls explode, personally. Provided it is done tactfully and with logic, not flame wars.

The whole community petitioned to have that prosecutor leave - 70,000 signatures.

Oh. And all the men in my industry also agree too (Unless they are lying, which I doubt). So... you must detest the entire animation industry since they all kinda side with Anita atm. <3

I don't see how this ends well either way.


The video game community isn't a source of violence against women; but hot damn there are many video games who sure desensitize people to that violence.

Right. And every single one of these women have watched Anita and said 'Oh yes, she is wrong about the video game problem with ladies.'

She's not wrong. Every woman I've spoken to and many men agree - she is not wrong. By attacking or arguing her points, you may not be a bigot - but you are definitely supporting a very bigot-friendly culture.

Really? Who are these average women you seem to be so in touch with? Because all the women I've spoken to, myself included, agree with her utterly and 100%.

Honestly? I think at the time I was just on edge after all the ugliness that has been August 2014. :/

never called you a gamer, dunno why you have to diminish my individuality in order to put me in that big target you like to call a sjw. I'm not an sjw. I'm a humanistic Buddhist, one with attitude

never attacked your character. Most of this post is just you projecting like mad.

Blah blah blah blah. You said Sarkeesian lied and she so totally utterly didn't nor could she considering the series was a dissection not an opinion piece. The only folks who see her videos as lies are the ones threatened by said videos, because they ask for introspection and change. That's all there is to it. You

uh huh. Byebye.

how about this- stop defending those assholes and just play games, yeah?

if getting under your skin makes me a troll, then you have a funny way of compartmentalizing smart ppl with valid points you can't refute.

At this point there is no reaching out to people who so defiantly resist change, they would rather passively accept a truly evil person attacking Anita Sarkeesian than take a good look in the mirror and say " you know what? Maybe it isn't always everyone else's fault."

if kotaku is losing the toxic "gamer" audience, anyone with half a brain knows they are better off for it. The "gamer" culture with all it's strict definitions of what a "gamer" is and the toxic culture that produces scum who stalk women they don't like is a regressive culture, hindering progress all together because

this scandal was created entirely by a toxic culture that created a dangerous person who feels compelled to stalk and threaten a very intelligent woman because he doesn't like what she has to say

if you don't like media attention, go join a fascist state. They are very good at media suppression.