
That's a very good question and one I think needs testing, rather than just speculating about. I know the idea of randomised controlled trials often makes people a little nervous in the context of justice - especially relating to violent crime - but if you want to know what can be done to minimise recidivism, that is

Merry Christmas! Hope you have/are having/have had a lovely day.

YES. In the Bleak Midwinter is my absolute favourite. I don't hear it much, possibly because it can verge on morose...

I'm with you. I think he's a superb actor, seems like a genuinely nice guy and is absolutely a lovely-looking lad. But I really can't see the appeal of owning a pair of his shoes. I doubt they'd auction a really grim old pair though, right? Surely you buy a pair for the purpose, wear them once and then sign and

Yes, neither is acceptable. There is also a risk of exclusion to some degree: will the lecturer necessarily pay the same degree of attention to all groups in a gender-segregated audience?

Absolutely agree; I wasn't defending either scenario.

To my understanding, the issue here is not specifically excluding either gender from attending but demanding that students attending the same lecture sit separately according to their gender.

I'm sorry everyone pounced on you. It's not unreasonable to be unfamiliar with tipping customs in other countries.

It's absolutely not a criticism of the movie. People obviously enjoy it, it's just not my sort of movie - or, indeed, my sort of comic.

From the clips I've seen, Loki does seem very well acted. As one would expect from Tom Hiddleston! I just can't get into the action sequences, but that's integral to what it is and it's a matter of taste.

I love his Shakespeare work, so I keep getting suckered into reading the Thor promo - although to be fair, some of it is well worth it. I just can't be arsed to actually watch Thor.

They are! I'm going to see it at a beautiful local Art Deco cinema. It's already sold out. Can't wait!

Either Malaysia or Indonesia. Looks like satay, nasi goreng, and some sort of curry. And prawn crackers, which seems kind of incongruous to me?

And you are the authority on whether someone has been assaulted or pressurised by a partner? People in that situation may not be willing to discuss their situation with anyone, never mind justify themselves to you.

St. Peter, I'll have what esodigoyo is having. Cheers.

I would say "has not committed any murders" is a fairly low bar for entry to the top boyfriends list, even if murder is relatively prevalent among Shakespeare characters.

I've seen some fantastic productions of Taming of the Shrew - ones that didn't back down from the awfulness. Whilst it may not be how it was intended, the transition from laughter at the beginning to tense silence at the end can be so powerful.

I saw an advert for my cat on the rescue's website and we were just what each other needed. She needed to be an indoor cat (relatively unusual in UK), and I live in a first floor apartment that I couldn't let her out of. She needs to be an only cat and I only want one cat. She likes to spend time on her own, and I

Therapy away, it's fine. Sorry to hear you had such a rough ride out of uni, but it sounds like things are picking up? I totally understand about the difficulty of committing to one path or another - it's a big decision, but I think relatively few people are 100% sure. If you're completely undecided, try not to feel

I'm a mechanical engineer, but it's really interesting to hear that from someone else with a fairly vocational - but very different - degree. It's really encouraging to hear you talk about moving between jobs within your sector. I'm not sure I even want to stay in engineering at present, but I think part of that is to