
And the Democrats fucked over a good man to get a warmongering shill for the super rich the nomination. You all aren’t much better. The only difference is the DNC wants to kill brown people if they’re in Syria.

The subway about 10 minutes away from my house got robbed and 2 people were shot and killed by the robbers. So yes, it does happen.

Black congressmen and women that were republican got racist voicemail and death threats on a regular basis during Obama’s presidency. This is nothing new and will always happen. It transcends party lines and leaders.

This game looks incredibly dull. I also think its funny that somehow ‘Trump’ makes this game more relevant.

I live in the Southern Bible Belt. It’s not quite like that here. We tried that in the 1800's, organizing against “the power”. It didn’t work out so well so, while there’s still a lot of bible-thumping, the militia thing is a No-No here.

The game just comes off as boring. The cult design/story appears to really lack in creativity. At least go something like the Branch Dividians in Waco. I’d be willing to bet Ubisoft is really worried about the backlash that this game will get no matter what. Unfortunately, I have a feeling this game will not do well

“Southern US Bible Beltyness” taking place just a few miles from the Canadian border.

Meh. A bit disappointed. The militia idea was exciting to think about; they could have really done something here relating to current militia (border patrols, etc...). But the tired cult trope gets thrown in and ruins it for me. It’s an easy way out when things get controversial. Oh, it’s a cult. Cults are always

“My politics comes from the Washington Post!” The video game!

Much like people got triggered over the assumption Pagan Ming was a white guy “oppressing” an Asian one?

and black people since they’re part of the cult too

I didn’t care about shooting primarily black people, and I don’t care about shooting primarily white people.

I can see why valve doesn’t like Trump, he looks like he is trying to start world war three..and you KNOW how they feel about 3's.

Bullshit, Feminists are never happy, no matter what you do. If they were happy it would mean they would have to get a real job. You can’t get a real job with a degree in gender studies. Being pissed at stuff is all they have!

Fuck your politics kotaku.

I’m going to regret this :D

All religions are trivialized in some form or another across all mediums. This guy needs to get over himself.

They should make a Prophet Muhammad skin for Reaper.

Could you guys imagine the blowback if one of the characters had a Muhammad skin?

Wipeout was the game that sold me on the Playstation. I bought a PS2 in anticipation of what would eventually be Wipeout Fusion. Wipeout Pure was the reason i bought a PSP. Wipeout HD was the first PS3 game I ever bought, on my buddy’s system, months before I actually owned the system. Wipeout 2048 was the reason I