
“Even though in the Attack on Titan manga, the characters were foreigners, the movie version was all Japanese people, so I’m not going to complain.”

holy crap thanks I heard about the things she said but had not seen any of the evidence and YES why did Kotaku not mention that what the heck is wrong with this site not telling the truth!

I was watching a video about this from the know(youtube) and they said she was taking naked pictures with a 3ds and stuff like that. they also said she said that men who like kids is ok and the showed a link to a comment she made, was that true or a lie because I do not trust anyone anymore so much lies and smear

all you sjw crying because of this character

I agree, Japanese shows ALWAYS do this

4chan kills those two loser websites


damn SE, they are going to finish off EIDOS!!!!

are you full retard, the original xbox sold 6 million in Europe and the 360 sold 20 million

the author of shit is a piece of garbage, using soldiers as a way to attack

who CARES about Japan, all they play is handheld games. Look at the PS3 which has sold almost 10 million and it is very hard to find Japanese games that sell over 1 millions. Around the world their JRPGs don't stand a chance against WRPGs

chinese are barbarians


[ ] not told
[ ] told

>Because I love Japanese games and Japanese RPGs and I don't want them to perpetuate the ugly "boys' club" mentality that has pervaded gaming for almost three decades now.

Japanese RPGs? You mean like Phantasy Star, which was created by a woman and had a female lead character long before Westerners started their

if a man made those pictures the freaks on KOTAKU would go crazy and far left feminist would be attacking video game culture

Its not even that incendiary.
Its just reads like she had a stroke while writing and kept reiterating, adding adverbs and adjectives far too many times.

WHY are all the awesome star wars games being cancelled

Patricia Hernandez fail on so many levels

I love when black babies are ABORTED, abortion FOREVER!