
if a man made those pictures the freaks on KOTAKU would go crazy and far left feminist would be attacking video game culture

Its not even that incendiary.
Its just reads like she had a stroke while writing and kept reiterating, adding adverbs and adjectives far too many times.

WHY are all the awesome star wars games being cancelled

Patricia Hernandez fail on so many levels

I love when black babies are ABORTED, abortion FOREVER!

Prototype NEXT (Armored Core series)

JRPGs do not even sell in the West, Final Fantasy is the only one and even still I remember playing and loving Star Ocean till the ends of times but that sold only 1.7 million. KOTOR sold 2.8 million alone in the xbox and Morrowing sold 3 million in the xbox

Nintendo should have bought Sega, SNK and Hudson in the early 2000's

how about you tell your arab muslim friends to stop killing arab christians and stop blowing things up. you don't see freaking COD games set in mongolia or iceland since the people in those countries are not religious fanatics

damn I cannot believe, I wonder what is going to happen to ONLIVE now, will it just get sold or wtf