
As an older gamer, I saw this coming a mile away. I agree with most of your article - I saw the potential of a Destiny-type game and salivated. Then I started playing it, put in over 100 hours and realized there was an extreme lack of content, the story was skipped almost entirely and the future presented hundreds

Luckily, Russian authorities were on hand (at 00:51) to immediately pull him out by his shirt and drag him a few feet to determine if he was medically stable.

Well, if he didn't have 60,000 live before, he sure will get close to that number now. He's ultra famous now in that community, albeit for an unfortunate reason. He seems like a good guy who was doing pretty well before this incident, though, so hopefully he'll hang on to a lot of those new subs after.

As much as law enforcement makes themselves look bad, this is not one of those times.

It's articles like this that make me not trust Kotaku, sometimes. No mention of the elephant in the room (basically they release a "free to play game" (like Killer Instinct) and charge full price for it, then have loads of DLC that you have to pay for in the future, as well).

Ugh... as a guy who's never been accused of misogyny, or anything even close, and who strives be be a gentleman - I get gut-punched sometimes when I stumble across this site and articles like this. I feel like I've used the word before, and am left wondering if I offended someone at some point. I never thought the

Apologies for misunderstanding your intent.

Or, more likely, having someone "be" the role, not "playing" it, is good for sports in many ways. Just a pet peeve of mine when people try to pass off an ass as some type of act the person is putting on for the good of the sport. 99% of the time, players aren't "playing" the role - they are the role. When they're

Huh? You just hate the USA? (fine if that's what you mean), Or you hate all country chants (like at the world cup and the Brasilians sang their country's song, or the Irish chant at the recent UFC fight, etc).

I hate to defend Elway twice, but most of your HoF QBs in past eras have significantly underwhelming numbers. If you saw him play then you saw him carry teams as much as any QB ever has. Not saying he's the best, just quibbling with your point on Elway.

I agree with you, but to be fair - Elway's "great" defenses were great against the AFC. They got rolled against NFC opponents. Elway made it to Super Bowls with less than most of your "great" QBs. Agree with pretty much all your other points, though.

I guess the bottom line question is: Will I save on average more than I pay you for the service?

You really should have stopped after the first one, although this attempt is a bit better. Yet it's still shit - it just has a bit of [YOUR FAVORITE COLOGNE] spayed on it.

I actually agree with you, here. He is more entertaining, and more honest than most. I still disagree with most others though, in the fact that I don't think it's over-the-top abuse from the NFL to make speaking with the media part of the job.

He would have to think to realize what a large part journalists play, and it's much more fun to jump in with the trendies who run with their hipster herds and leave rationale by the wayside. They are fighting the battle against the mainstream - except it's so mainstream now to bash anything established that they come

Shouldn't this be one of those posts that says "SPONSORED: Promoted by McDonalds" or something like that? Especially since (you state) that all information in this post came straight from McDonalds, except for the one item that wasn't - and it was removed (I assume from their input as well). Where's the "reporting"

Jesus christ. Everyone is involved in this - the "good" white people included. I'd like to hear responses from all of them. This article IS about her. If she feels like she's one of the people being described, and comes here to tell her feelings, then let her.

Where in there did she ask for a fucking prize? Were you offended because she responded to an article about "good white people" and then discussed how she was white, and got categorized as "good", and then responded that she doesn't feel guilty about it?

There are no good white people. There are no good black people. There are good people. Period.