
We start learning how to deal with "good white people" by realizing it's not white people - it's people. We do this by realizing that people in power - no matter what race - take advantage of that power in sometimes horrible ways. If tables were turned there would be similar issues regardless of what race was in

This is so good.

He plays the position of "First time, long time" fan.

Somehow, defending the big fat guy who slapped the cop's hands and wouldn't listen is comparable to an unarmed man getting chocked to death. Deadspin logic. A bunch of white bros want to fight the power, so anything'll do.

It'd be nice if opposing, reasonable discussion such as yours got approved every once in a while. I realize, I'm on the wrong site for fair and balanced viewpoints, yet I still hold out hope. When the guy slapped the policeman's hands after he touched him to let him know he couldn't go that way, then the fan should

These posts are becoming a fucking joke. With the violence we've seen at stadiums, and we are taking the word of some loudmouthed instigator who actually didn't get "the whole thing on video", as he says, and this is an actual news item?

The Haves are chuckling as the Have-Nots bicker back and forth about race, the financial disparity gap widening by the year. "Throw them a bone to fight over, but by all means keep them distracted."

Some people are probably offended because the whole "hands up, don't shoot" thing is a strong anti-police statement

You're a fucking idiot if you think people posting about the negatives of rioting care more about snack bags than the life of a human being.

Ok, the game is not what I expected, but that may be more on me than that actual game itself. I thought it would be "The Next BIG THING!!", and it's just "fun to play with my buddies (exclamation point?)".

Maybe he wasn't "imagining" at all. Maybe he was doing something far more mystical - like reading. Like reading articles from former and current players and coaches talking about how practices used to be before the PA and NFL negotiated them down.

It's amazing how many missed the point of your post. It ranged from the defensive poster yowling that "old guys aren't always right!" to the righteous "How do you know? Were you THERE?!?"

I'm not a beer snob, but my buddy who is a brewer is - and he says hipsters will rag on a beer just because it's a big brand, when actually some of the mainstream stuff isn't that bad, especially for the price you pay. I'm guessing this is one of those times, since I've seen more than a few "beer guys" say that

There's a Sadist joke in there somewhere...

Agreed - The testing sucks. The NFL's drug policy sucks overall.

Did I say he got lucky 70 times in a row? Or did I say that he could have gotten lucky in the past similar to his "unlucky" episode recently?

It's only a coin flip if you ignore the actions that led to the positive result in "A". He took a chance and got caught (if he actually smoked, and it wasn't just second hand smoke). If someone is intent on focusing on the 50/50 aspect, then you have to allow that he could have escaped detection in the past because

I can't speak for him, but I think it's extremely relevant. The label given in the header is "anti-comic", which has got to be one of the stupidest labels around. Norm does a superb job at explaining why. I found BronzeHammer to be decently amusing. I hope he isn't the one giving himself this designation, though.

"But that's the risk the Rockets ran when they declined a team option to keep Parsons for $965,000 this season. The idea was to keep him from heading to unrestricted free agency next year..."

Hell yeah! I can't believe everyone doesn't do this! I have laptops pre-hooked up to every TV just in case the broadcast goes down. I have one streaming in the shitter, too We have radios up and ready in case the internet goes down, as well. "Power outage??" you say? Ha! Batteries at the ready! But what if a