But if you Instagram in the forest and no white people see it? Are you alive at all?
But if you Instagram in the forest and no white people see it? Are you alive at all?
Six years ago I went to visit my grandmother. I walk into her living room. She is sitting in her rocking chair. Wearing her good housecoat and a Sunday hat. Ice tea on the table. Her head bopping to I’m So Hood. That stopped me in my tracks. When she started to spit lyrics, I almost died.
That’s a defender’s job. That’s a noble calling. I mean he gave us the Kardashian’s and all, so I’m not putting him up for sainthood and he married Kris, like how messed up was he. However we need people to defend the innocent, the guilty and the we don’t know, other wise what is the point of law?
You and I have watched very different Dave Chappelle comedy specials.
Slavery jokes are NEVER funny, IMO.
I don’t think we’re beyond unions and in fact we still need them. Companies would have no problem going back to how things used to be before unions. In some industries, things are pretty bad for workers due to different laws that have been passed.
I’ve always had dogs. Loved them and they were “part of the family”, but they were dogs. But two years ago we adopted a goldendoodle and she is the sweetest dog I've ever seen. She definitely climbed some ranks. Got her own stocking, a couple of fancy bones for Christmas and we pay for the expensiveass dog food. She…
I lost 30 pounds in 7 days just by working at the home with the Internet! You can too- just follow this link:
Fact: the quickest way to a woman’s vagina is through her stomach with cheese.
Thank you for this list. I didn’t find a complete ingredient list anywhere I was looking. The lists I did find only had “active” ingredients. They didn’t list water, for example.
YES. $20 a month isn’t dirt cheap, but it’s absolutely worth it. I saw results within a couple of days, and in the 2.5 months I’ve been on it, I’ve had like 4-5 medium-to-bad pimples — normally over that length of time I would’ve had two dozen. And I’m not even using their most hardcore ingredient!
DEFINITELY do. Spiro is not wholly responsible for almost totally eradicating my acne — I give the larger part of the credit to PocketDerm/Curology’s $20 a month plan and the ‘scrip azelaic acid/niacinamide/clindamycin face goo they send me — but the Spiro definitely helps with both oil and androgen overproduction.
I’m more inclined to call “bullshit” just based on their own text :
There isn’t. They try to tell you it’s poo but that’s all a sham.
Let me be the first to say thank god. Beyonce, I love you. You are a talented singer, wonderful dancer, and a great feminist. You are an atrocious actress. It’s okay to be bad at something. Please don’t act again.
No. Beyonce can’t act.
On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not…
Not to mention I-95 is riddled with areas where the road seems to be elevated (probably where the supports are) and hitting it in my car at 80 my butt has lifted off the seat, can’t imagine how a loaded semi with 80+ psi tires would feel.