
I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor. I smiled as I picked up the paper and said “It’s tough to keep up with everything these days”, and he replied “I don’t even want to know”.

I left a dealership after signing a contract but without financing finalized. They got back to me with an issue after a couple days... sorry, you have to come back in and sign this paperwork because we got your loan through a local bank at a lower interest rate.

I’ve read that there is something to be said for purchasing from a Franchise dealer in a small town. You’ll be treated decently, get a fair price- nobody begrudges them making some money- and get good service from the service department. And then when the salesperson needs a roof, you’ll treat them the same. And see

But dealers are there for the consumer’s protection. Direct sales are BAD!

We did. I quoted the woman on the phone back to dealer and the financier and then put the keys on the table and asked for our old keys back. They grabbed the manager and the head of financing who tried to talk us out of it and then they came back saying that they were able to convince the bank to accept the old deal.

This happened to my wife and I. Three days later they called and said their was a problem with the financing. I figured they never signed their end, so told them that wasn’t going to happen. They never called back, so I assume they ended up signing their side and making it legit. That was 12 years ago.

Don’t those usually involve “we’ve already sold your trade-in so you can’t get that back”?

Yeah, never, ever take a spot delivery. So many ways you can get screwed if you do.

Agreed 100x over. It’s sad that we all have to think like lawyers on everything these days... verbal statements are ignored or dishonest, and there is no way for a consumer to get a fair shake in these situations.

If new car dealerships try and pull shady shit, a good option is to call the OEM. Even if they don’t have any formal power to force the dealership to shape up, they can apply pressure. Automakers (with the exception of pre-recession domestics) really don’t want to be known for shady dealerships. My parents had good

hey, hey, hey you take that back, the dealers are here to PROTECT the CONSUMER, rabble, rabble, rabble.

Randall Noe was none too thrilled when Fiat Chrysler allegedly wouldnt pick up the phone

It looks like it hit some Chrysler 200s, that could cause tens of dollars worth of damage.

Neutral: Where do you think automakers, California and the Trump administration will find their compromise? Or will they find one at all?

This makes United seem almost unbelievably incompetent. Why were people allowed to board if they knew not all of them were going to be on the plane? Denying someone boarding is way easier than asking someone who’s sitting down to get off.

I just hope he doesn’t die of dysentery.

Stick a BMW badge on those cars and they’d sell like hot cakes. That and people would brag about how it’s so much better than last year’s 3/5 series.

I wish people would stop comparing tuned EBs to stock GTs. For “an ecoboost + $5k” you could just get a GT.

See also: asshole before Taco bell...

Except we know that it can’t...so clearly, the bridge was hit by remote-control “bumblebee” aircraft packed with nanothermite, while somebody detonated the pre-planted micro-nukes under the bridge as the Armed Forces hit it with a super-secret hypersonic cruise missile.