
This full sized truck literally is rated at higher fuel economy than my 2009 Malibu. Consequently, after all these years, I can’t even get what it was rated for anymore! Partly due to its ancient 4 speed automatic. Partly due to age. Still, that’s really impressive for a full sized truck.

This made me laugh far more than it had any right to. Thank you. 

I only want the model of the cruise ship from Speed 2 if it depicts the cruise ship crashing into the land. Only way I will accept that model. 

An odd strategy, but honestly, it could work. I look forward to see what’s coming. I liked the V vs V-Sport monikers we had before. This is just confusing. At least the interiors look the part. I’m hopeful. Cautiously. 

I could be wrong, but the CT4 looks like a heavily reworked ATS. Like, everything between the wheels (hard points) hasn’t really changed. If that’s the case, it’s extensive (including the interior), however, I don’t see how this will improve the overall reception of the vehicle. Rear seat space and such will still be


Yeah it's max 8 in NC. 

This is my name in hexadecimal code. Well, most of my first name. Kevn. Close enough. After 10 plus years with a save the sea turtles tag, it was time for something fresh. 

I still have an antique fire truck.......... :)

So, is Phoenix still a viable platform after all these years? Because that lead image gives me some heart-beat skippage. That also may be my heart condition. Still a beautiful car after all these years.

The only times I had it was in an ambulance and they were just GUESSING it was cardiac at that time. Long long long story. 2 double rounds and a single round of that shit later I ended up on a ventilator for a week in ICU. It was great. “rode the lightning” I’m stealing that! That’s so very accurate! Had my ablation

For several years, I could stand up, move slightly, etc and provoke SVT. We didn’t know what it was and at the time, the doctors couldn’t figure it out. Turns out, I had a congenital heart defect that caused it. Had an ablation and it “fixed” it. I still have the occasional trouble, however, am not hospitalized for

That may be true, however, since the CUV’s have taken over, the sedans aren’t on people’s radar enough to know that anymore. I’d bet that most people are comparing older sedans to newer CUV’s and that’s exactly what the manufacturers want. My Acadia, tank over tank calculated got 32.6 mpg (highway at 60-75 and some

To add to the argument for a CUV vs. sedan, I currently drive a 2009 Malibu 4 cylinder. It’s a fine car that rides well. However, my 2018 GMC Acadia with larger 4 cylinder engine (and arguably a 6 speed auto vs. 4) got significantly better fuel mileage and provided significantly more versatility. That’s what is on

Man. I wish I could shake your hand. My condolences are with you. A great story about a great man that was beautifully written.

I thought it was "wider is better."

The want is strong but these cars sell for a metric shit ton on the used market.

I feel like all modern cars should take this as inspiration. I just can’t with all the screens. No real depth.

Yeah, but when it did. Damn. I spent some time in one. In the flesh. It was a thing of beauty. I never wanted to leave.