
has the kind of exceptional eyebrows that seem out of place over burnt coffee and plastic-wrapped sandwiches

Get that paycheck, Cheryl!

Upton Sinclair: 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'

He looks like my cat does when she fears you're going to take her food off her. Like, "back off, bitch, I have claws!!!".

1) No one says she's not allowed, they're saying it's narcissistic and thoughtless.

RE: The whole Designated Ugly Fat Friend thing.

Just go watch the 30 Rock episode "Klaus and Greta" (S4E9) and it'll pretty much tell you everything you need to know

Re: Jennifer Aniston saying dumb shit:

Does anyone else think John Malkovich is really hot and had a strange crush on him when you were in 4th grade and still super want to bone him in Dangerous Liaisons?

That cat is a ringer for John Malkovich, not Firth! Missed opportunity, Us.

Between Waltz and Fiennes, I am slightly concerned by how intensely attracted I am to Men Who Have Played Nazis in Notable Films.

Those celebrities were having a hell of a good time with those cheeseburgers.

This Bruce Jenner trans stuff is just plain gross. Leave him the hell alone, whether or not it's true. I know you can't expect a whole lot from the tabs, but this is disgusting. The photoshopped makeup? Good god, I just can't even...

I was getting "Overly made up Ellen DeGeneres".

Why is nobody discussing how transphobic that cover is?! Even if Bruce was actually transitioning, it shouldn't be a scandal. It's a thing people go through and should be supported instead of mocked.

Look at you OPENLY ADMITTING in THIS SPECIFIC FORUM that you haven't read Pride & Prej!

wtf is a fitzwilliam

That Bruce Jenner cover is sickening. Leave them the fuck alone. Christ.

Bruce needs to up his brow game.

Whoever okayed that Bruce Jenner cover should go fuck themselves.