
I'm British too, not a teenager though 23 and I really wouldn't take notice of the stupid negative stereotypes that uneducated people make about a country they clearly have no knowledge of.

Ok I know this is some old stereotype of British people in America, but I'm happy to live in a country where we don't relentlessly ridicule people because their teeth are not naturally straight, without gaps or white. Not everyone can afford expensive dental care.

All I ever see on here about England/Britain is stuff about Downton Abbey, the Royal family and posh white actors like Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston. I feel like Jez and Gawker are obsessed with the romanticism of the British upper class but little else, which is paints an incomplete image of the country.

All i'm seeing is you ranting about something and providing nothing to back it up, snowflake.

Yes funny how the millions of male writes out there do not seem to receive the same amount of loathing, but then no one is expecting them to be perfect.

Hear, hear!

But I thought it was really relevant to hate Lena Durham...

I suggest next time you don't click on articles about Lena Durham then, as they clearly enrage you, better yet you could preserve your energy by not commenting on articles about her (unnecessarily) calling her a slag, at least come up with a valid point as to why you dislike her or her views.

I haven't seen the movie so I cannot personally comment but I've seen and heard a fair amount of people agree with you, so you are not alone!

Sorry think I completely misinterpreted that!

Passing on what genes?

I'll languish with you

I definitely could not have said it better myself.

I have never understood how so many people have got that wrong.

Wow I feel sorry for any women that ever come into contact with a creep like you. Why do you even bother going on Jezebel you sad sack, seriously?

Like it or not she isn't using it as a means to remain famous, she already is famous. I don't see why it's so hard to believe that Lena would be telling the truth, Madeline already stated that 1 in every 6 American women has been the victim of sexual assault.

And what kind of terminology is 'pussy pass' and 'pussy pedestal' that you enjoy to use frequently in your posts?

Yeah speaking up about sexual assault is soooo hipster and try hard, how dare she.

"Well she said she was voice of her generation blahblahblah"