
The funny thing is that us Libertarian leaning folks have been preaching that the executive branch shouldn’t be given as much power as it currently has. It fell on deaf ears for most of the left during Obama’s presidency. Bush set a dangerous president, Obama doubled down, and now the Orange one is wreaking havoc,

They’ve been doing that since Uber became a company... I’m all for organized labor, but if someone wants to compete with them especially if they are on strike, at a busy airport, I would say it’s fair game. Being in a union doesn’t mean you are untouchable to any outside corporations trying to compete. Do you call

Uber isn’t part of the Union, they have no allegiance to them, and the Union is a direct competitor. Why on earth would a private company stand with the Union they are direct competitors of?

Depending on which state you are in you are also paying State business taxes as well.

Yup, “You know what Democrats love? An openly pro-war, interventionist candidate who takes millions of dollars from Wall Street!” - the DNC, for some inexplicable fucking reason. She is basically a Pro-Choice NeoCon

Ok, so since I am not voting for Hillary you assume I’m a Trump supporter? Sorry to disappoint you, I hate Trump, and I will not be voting this time for anyone. I have decided to go from being a registered Democrat to an independent. I will not “fall in line” and vote so “someone else doesn’t win.” Both of these

I was quoting another reply above and replying to it... I didn’t write that some other idiot did

OK. So this new film on Netflix is just some elaborate troll by the right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_(2016_film) and what does followers have to do with anything? Besides pricing the point that you either have so much free time where you don’t work, or have a job and spend all of your time posting on the

What dismissive comment? that as an elected official she hasnt accomplished anything? That’s stating a fact, I will give you the entire internet and as much time you need to find one piece of evidence that proves what I said to be incorrect. THE WHOLE INTERNET! Dismissive? no! But I will make smug comments because I

As I said below, I voted for her in the NY Senate in 2000, her entire campaign was based on passing as many bills as she can so she could create hundreds of thousands of jobs in NY. In eight years, she passed one bill, renaming a bridge or something. I think she wrote like 11, none of them had anything to do with

I know of at least 3 of my black friends that are voting for Johnson next month, should I log into Facebook and call them a bunch of privileged white people? I get that most Libertardians are white, but generalizing them all into one specific demographic is both short sided and stupid, nor is it going to help change

Not a right wing troll, but after 8 years, I refer to him as Barry-O. Sounds cooler. I don’t understand how calling someone Barry is a sign of disrespect.. but OK... Kind of like how the Affordable care act is referred to by the right wingers as Obama Care? Please tell me, what should I call him oh-wise-one who fly’s

If you don’t get that public service is a sacrifice

No, it’s not, it’s all about the power, and the ego. It’s suppose to be an unpaid civil service, that’s how it was set up. But that’s not how Washington has been run for the past 50+ years. You get into power, then use said power to grow your wallet, and especially if

I can chime in on this, I voted for Barry twice, and voted for Bernie in the primary. I don’t trust Hillary Clinton as far as I can throw her.. The closed door Wall Street Speeches are the straw that broke the camels back. No one hates the banks as much as me, and once you realize how they pulled the greatest

Sacrifice!? She’s running for the most powerful office in the country.. She is a career politician above anything else, and like everyone else in politics she is obsessed with power. She could have divorced her womanizing, lying, cheating husband too. But she didn’t. I really think their marriage is some sort of

I’ll bring mine, it’s only a 4 hour drive from NJ

This is definitely “Strong Island” as some of the local dip wads call it.

Didn’t someone buy the rights to the S7 at auction 6 months ago?

My 2015 458 Spider doesnt have one (Auxilary Jack) either, it doesnt even do Bluetooth streaming unless you buy a hack/adapter off of amazon. Yes, a car that costs almost $400k new, does not come with Bluetooth or Auxiliary.