
On the bright side, this means that some of the shareholders do care about games, not just profits. You probably won’t see any in others.

“I’m glad they removed as much AWKWARD Japanese-culture shit as possible as I’m not in the mood to decipher some of those obscure Japanese elements that make people say WTF.”

The game is still Japanese as hell man.. why would you even play this game if you didn’t enjoy Japanese culture? Its still full voiced in

Yes, because sexual experience means so much in the world. Yuck yuck yuck, nerds, amirite?

Typically the budget for production on any product is eaten away by what’s referred to as operating expenses instead of costs of goods sold. The 40% is likely for administrative salaries, advertising, licensing, legal representation, accounting fees, etc. The 60% he refers to is what’s actually allocated to the direct

“I could buy this house, I don’t fucking need you.”

Except the majority of games won’t bother with UWP because their games are severely locked down in the Windows Store. All Microsoft is trying to do with UWP is compete with the likes of Steam. They want a piece of the additional content pie on PC gaming.

Devolver isn’t refusing to play by the rules, they’re refusing to get shaken down annually as a small publisher in order to get their games visibility at the largest gathering of media in the world.

Does it have a non-floaty mode where it no longer feels like Kingdom Hearts with a full half-second of input lag?

It can be a bit confusing, but you are misunderstanding the nature of the issue a bit; you aren’t alone, many of the folks that weigh in on this make the same mistake. Oculus games don’t necessarily not work on the vive because the oculus store is “walled”; they don’t work because each headset has its own code that

Everything about Overwatch’s blatant cultural appropriation is just so cringey. Hanzo, for as sexy of a visual design it is on a base level, is actually quite lazily executed, particularly in the “Japanese” lines he utters in the game. Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau, my ass.

less silly?

Fair enough, but going forward, they should definitely cut ties with the PS3 and make the PS4 / PC / Mac the only platforms. They’ve run campaigns at multiple points to allow people to cheaply upgrade to the PS4 version of the game from the PS3, and the comparatively low specs of the PS3 are going to hold the game

It is NOT best. Stop trying so hard to be so wrong.

I chose the former and had to watch as the rest of my party destroyed each boss while I watched their cutscenes, which was a bit strange. I’d see a cutscene introducing a boss, then immediately jump to a cutscene showing his or her demise.

I think I would be less upset with Capcom regarding their treatment of Megaman if there had legitimately been bad Megaman games. When it comes down to it, though, whether there should have been as many games as there were or not, almost every entry has been fantastic. I can’t think of a single Megaman game or spin off

Tick rate is the mathematical ability for the server to register your inputs.

I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies

He is right, everyone has FF disease and that’s the very problem with the fanbase why there was the backlash over every new game after X to begin with.

“if the series didn’t modernize, I think it could’ve been done for.”

If by modernize you mean, selling out, making it another ow crap game that can’t really work within

lol Anita sarkeesian gives developers, screenwriters the most flack for having strong female main characters. her main criticism is that they have a traits of a male hero. making them a male hero with tits. look at her review of final Fantasy 13 and the movie true grit

I’d say the Paradigm system alone was proof that they were very much willing to bear negative criticism. They changed the entire battle system to something quite different from any other Final Fantasy game, and fans continue to tear Square-Enix apart for it.