
Tales of Hearts R was a HORRIBLE choice because the localization absolutely RUINED the story and characters. Turning it into an abomination.

Any tales fan that keeps up with stuff would know to not touch TOH:R with a ten foot pole. Bamco absolutely butchered that game in localization.
If they ever feel like finishing

Data storage really wouldn’t be all that much with current compression technology. Especially with Mono audio and a lower sample rate.

It better have more than just a better GPU. The CPU in the PS4/XBO is poodoo. Also: A 2 TB harddrive for the smaller one? Look forward to the increased seek times on that slow ass 5400RPM drive.

You get the hassle free experience. You just put in a game and play. On PC you still almost ALWAYS have to fandangle some shit to get things right.

Just look at PCGamingWiki.com

You don’t HAVE to worry about upgrades. It doesn’t make games run like shit any more than they did. And developers are forced to support both models.

IT is consumer friendly. You are getting upgrades (So the hardware doesn’t stagnate and stifle progress)available to you that don’t break compatibility and you can still play games on the base model just fine.
The point of the matter is you wont’ have to upgrade. You can keep your base model and play games just the

MN9 looks and plays better than many MM games. That is, if you actually judge it by playing the backer demo.

THis looks incredible. I’m more excited for this than the game, since it doesn’t have to pander to OW gameplay interuppting the flow of the story.

I do wish they would’ve kept the same VA’s for established characters. That kind of hollywood pandering is annoying.

It’s superior because what? You’ve played a game that isn’t even out yet?
Gunvolt is a good game, but they are fairly different.

It’s being released on almost 10 platforms at once on a budget of only a few million dollars, on an old unsupported game engine. And they want to make sure each version is as polished and bug free as possible. What is so wrong with that?

Gunvolt also only had to target ONE platform at a much lower resolution. 400x240p The PC version of gunvolt looks like crap.

So, because it’s not dark, gritty, using the most modern graphics. It looks terrible? OK.

What? You expect a finished game to look like CONCEPT art?
It’s like you people have never seen actual game development before.

Imagine if you’d been shown concept art for every game ever made, as it was made.

Bad Marketing, but if you’ve played the Demo from September. You should have no worries about the quality of the game. It’s FANTASTIC.

I’ve played that demo over and over. The game mechanics and stage design are so tight.

And so fucking what that they’ve had to delay it? Boo hoo, shit happens. Idealized deadlines are

“And I was like, Wow, why does that matter?”

Exactly, if it doesn’t matter, why are you pandering to making things a girl for the sake of ticking a box to begin with? Why would it have been so bad if it had been a boy? Just because it’s some hetero default status?

If you think FFXIII plays itself you are dead wrong. Good luck beating it on auto battle.

Which is weird because the battle system was the BEST part about XIII. There was nothing wrong with it.

Oh look, it’s someone with FF Disease!

Every game always did it’s own thing, trying new things. Whether in gameplay or otherwise. They never made the game to satisfy market trends out of grasping for straws like they have been doing for FFXV.

He is right, everyone has FF disease and that’s the very problem with the fanbase why there was the backlash over every new game after X to begin with.

“if the series didn’t modernize, I think it could’ve been done for.”

If by modernize you mean, selling out, making it another ow crap game that can’t really work within