
I somehow doubt they will be doing anything that isn’t more than the status quo of the OT or anything that hasn’t been done by the EU.

It’s true it’s an art. But at the end of the day, a JOB. Is a JOB. No matter what field or medium it presents itself in. Work is still WORK, even if you love it.

It should. Regardless of whether you are hourly or salary. Anything over 40 hours is beyond reasonable normal pay.

Don’t you know? Those places only care about sure sells. If it’s Niche. They don’t give a fuck.

“are easily drowned out by ugly and disingenuous attacks meant to overwhelm and silence.”

And that’ goes both ways including such websites as Kotaku and the rest of the rehtoric of certain sections of gaming media with your own agendas and screaming about the outrage of how insert here is sexist and uncomfortable and

Mobile UI, poor music encoding(Sounds grainy, while OG and OST do not. Hopefully this can be modded to HQ encodes...unlikely though), super low battle framerate (This runs on Unity apparently, so why couldn’t the battles be 60FPS ??? There is no timing to worry about. I’m sure you could come up with a solution if you

Fuck you. Kindly Nintendo.

That guy sitting there folding his arms. Looks an awful lot like Kyle Katarn. Especially with that pose. God damn it Disney!

Yeah, I don’t think creating shallow characters to tick a box and push your diversity pollitical agenda crap into a beloved classic qualifies as “Artistic Freedom”.

“It’s become part of our regularly scheduled programming to see people reacting swiftly and often angrily to that change, often with group tactics, sometimes against small developers or individuals who can’t do much about it”

The same is true about the reverse situation too. With localized games from other languages

“Handled sensitively”

Oh fuck off.

Pandering to market trends and abandoning the core battle mechanics to because ARPGs are trendy. Rather than just doing their own thing and setting their own trends like they always have done until they did something wrong because of “insert here”.
Pandering to hollywood brand name actor appeal for movie rather than

Oh the typical “The last good game was insert here” argument. Classic.

Listening to the bitching and moaning of a part of the fanbase who thinks their opinions are the facts and should be pandered to them and their tastes? Yeah ok.

UNLIKE Kylo Ren, Anakin Skywalker actually had REAL REASONS for his behavior. Torn between love, duty, honor, his own inner demons.

What’s Kylo Ren’s reason? He’s just a whiny brat obsessed with the ideal character of his Grandfather.

Exactly like fans like you.

He’s everything Anakin Skywalker SHOULDN’T have been. And he represents what’s wrong with an entire section of the SW fanbase who can’t let their childhood and childhood imagination of what they thought things were like, go.

Oh hey look more background information and contextual shit that should’ve been in the movie.

Oh well, doesn’t make the story feel any less like fan fiction written by someone who can’t let their childhood go.

Really? You use GG as a scapegoat?

Hardly any better than people using her as a scapegoat for Nintendo’s stupid and asinine decisions to remove and change so much inconsequential and stupid stuff for no reason other than to be PC.

And none of this would’ve happend if Nintendo simply left games alone

Honestly, this could’ve been handled SO much better and with SO much more respect. Hayter should’ve been the voice for GZ at the least, and explain the change as a story related reason. Big Boss’s voice had to change at some point. But it’s stupid that Japan gets to keep the right VA but we didn’t because Egojima has

You forget that he also screwed over the people who actually made the MAJORITY of the soundtracks to these games in favor of advertising that it was strictly Hans Zimmer Jr.

The best music from all these games came from the people who get the least credit