
“The last thing we want to do is make someone feel uncomfortable, under-appreciated or misrepresented..”

And now you make ME uncomfortable, because you have no backbone to stick up for your creative decisions because someone else has a problem with some stupid fucking fictional thing. Jesus christ it’s like these

The CPU would matter because it has to be strong enough to process every frame quick enough. At high framerates (like with VR), this becomes a MUCH bigger issue.

“1080p, which is the current standard for games on PlayStation 4"
Yeah, until developers stop sub-native rendering with unstable framerates. This isn’t true. And they will do the same god damned thing with 4k.

“How will developers cope with releasing games on multiple types of hardware?” The same as on PC, let it run

Hilarious them getting mad about people reacting to their videos, when many of them are just doing the same thing to video games. And making fuck tons of money too. Bunch of hyprocrites.

Oh lawd, the English book ones crack me up.


This is not true at all. It’s just that we have a bigger picture of EVERYTHING that is happening compared to the last 2 decades. Where all we knew that was happening was what was being released in Video Stores, advertised in niche magazines,what was released in bookstores, or what is shown on TV etc.

It’s always been

Burden falls on the person being offended. They didn’t HAVE to get offended. It’s a two way street.

As if GL’s Retcons were really all that significant. They weren’t. They were just making things consistent in the universe.

Which people don’t seem to understand because they can’t let their childhood nostalgia go.

Jesus, it doesn’t have to be 1:1 to real life with every step taken to be PC and not offend anyone. It’s fiction that lives in it’s own universe inspired by reality.

Get a grip.

It looks fine. You guys are way too overcritical about CG.
Imagine if people made lists like these for the worst looking practical effects. There are a lot of ugly looking out of place ones. But it’s just nitpicking.

That won’t solve any of the problem at all. Because then you will just have things not getting in the door for arbitrary or random reasons. Just as they are now.

And if you create a process like this, why do AAA games and companies seem to become exempt from any of this? You see it on other platforms all the time with

Quality huh? Does that apply to all the crap on every other gaming platform?

“Having people go through a publisher or be a similarly known quantity is another way to hopefully ensure that a game won’t be, you know, garbage.”

Yeah, like that’s stops games from being potentially crap.

Dear god, please don’t let this be a western inspired bloat filler fest of a game. That’s the LAST thing Zelda needs to take cues from.

It’ll be a cold day in hell when the like of Crapout and Crap of Duty ...wait where was I going with this?

This is what happens when you cultivate the mentality of steam sales and “I’ll just wait until it’s 2$ to buy it”.

For starters, Steam’s review system is hardly even remotely worthy of undertaking such a task. It needs a neutral button for one..

Not always, and it’s not like any other system or marketplace for games doesn’t have ones that are broken in some way or launch broken.

Bad is subjective. What you might not enjoy, someone else will.
And it’s not like there isn’t mountains of crap on any other console in the history of ever. People whine and moan about Steam like it’s some special exception and is so much worse than everything else. But it’s not really.
No certification process or