
It makes it harder because there is more choice? Would you rather there be a totalitarian committee deciding what is and what isn’t ok for you?

And half of you are writing off this crap because of totally arbitrary reasons based on pre-conceptions.

Like other big name games on Steam aren’t derivative and totally unorignal. That doesn’t make them automagically bad.

Oh yeah it’s not like the same thing doesn’t happen on consoles right? It’s like nobody remembers all the AAA games that launch totally broken without a day 1 update. Or even the non AAA games that have tons of problems.

IF you read the dev thread on nesdev. You’d see! :)

RIGHT< because it’s not like a ton of NES games weren’t total horse shit or buggy messes filled with slowdown right?

And who the fuck are you to dictate what should and what shouldn’t be allowed just because it doesn’t jive with your interests??

This statement ^ /thread

Artist? Right. Artist.

Nothing could ever get me to like this guy or his music. Not even Vidya Games.

Neat that he likes that stuff I guess.

Considering it was just him. People shouldn’t bitch and moan about lack of constant updates. Work has to get done instead of talking about work that isn’t done yet.

All I care about is that the NX isn’t just a PS4/XBO Hardware copy and doesn’t use streaming video for a wireless HDMI dongle.. We don’t need more outdated, low powered crap.

Step it up Nintendo.

So, they still run standard Win32 .exes that can be used on any compatible platform. Unlike UWP and Windows Store.
They also have a direct line of communication with their customers and forums for each game.

Unlike Windows Store.

UWP is garbage anyway.
. On top of the fact it just isn’t fit for replacing .exes at all.
Both ROTR and GOW:U are more than enough proof for this.

GoW running on DX12 is a joke, high system requirements for pretty much a straight XBO Port with terrible performance, bloated install thanks to downgrading the cutscenes to

Just wait for the big name endorsements to start rolling in. (Because they only care once something is a hit).

They should let people opt out with a disclaimer they have to agree to , that if they get hacked. They are fucked.

What’s the point of MP in a game like this? I also hate the Quantity of content vs dollar spent argument.

That drives me crazy.

Your CPU would limit you from that. But really, past 120hz, the input latency benefits start to decline.

Don’t use those Side by sides. Those are mangled captures from super compressed TV streams.

Look at the individual shots listed in the article. No black crush.

Hey guys, don’t use those TV screen caps side by sides as a comparison.
Look at the individual shots. There is no black crush there.

Just because people have a problem with it, doesn’t mean they can’t buy the game and still try to enjoy it.

Like Tales of Hearts R, an insane and disrespectful localization that is not only inaccurate, but completely changes the personality of just about everyone. But I and many others still bought it anyway to support