
Here’s to the long ass wait to get it in English. Digitally only and i’m sure with copious amounts more of compression than a physical copy. Because you know, Capcom doesn’t know how to make Niche work with physical copies. Or at all really.

I still have my Launch DS and it’s the only one I have liked enough to consistently use.
It also has the best motion quality of any DS screens. Which is great for side scrollers.

Exactly, sharpening is done by incompent people who don’t know what real detail is. Not to mention it makes it look terrible and emphasises aliasing

Unfinished? HARDLY. The released a finished game with what they could do.

I laugh every time people say this is convulted or hard to understand. It’s not if you just pay the fuck attention.

Now why can’t more RPGs do this. I’m so sick of the “Let’s just stand here idly doing nothing but staring in to space until you choose something on the dialogue list” design system.

As much bloat and filler as there is in Peace Walker. I got 80+ out of my first playthrough. And that’s a PSP game.

Neither of those games runs at 60FPS stable. Far from it. Battlefield 4 can’t run 60FPS at 1600x900 stable in MP or SP. Same with Killzone. Killzone even halves the horizontal resolution and STILL Can’t maintain 60FPS

It’s a well known fact now that Kojima doesn’t get royalties for the huge sellers he makes

MGS4 did perform like crap. Not because it was 30FPS. But because the framerate was wildly unstable.

All MGS5 proves is what MGS2 (60FPS), Portable Ops (30FPS) and Peace Walker (20FPS) already did. When you have a stable framerate in gameplay,it makes that much more of a difference.

Bad controls? What have you been playing? Sounds like you simply couldn’t adapt to something unique that worked extremely well for what it was designed for. Most of the problems came from pressure sensitivty or lack there of (PSP games, MGS1).
When you are used the controls, there is really no problem at all.

I’d say

Incomprehensible story? Sounds like someone lacks the patience to actually pay attention to what is going on or comprehend basic dialogue.

“Whereas previous Metal Gear Solid games took you through a linear, structured sequence of events” The events might have been linear, but the gameplay was hardly so. There are so

Get the fuck out. At least those characters weren’t carbon copies of the achetypes of the characters from the OT like these new ones seem to be.

I can only HOPE the PS4 version is better than this. Oh boy wow, a trainer! I had that for FFVII PC almost 20 years ago.
Considering Normua has the balls to say “If you want the same game but with only better graphics. Buy the PS4 Port”

If this is what he means by Better graphics he can go punch himself.

Why? Every SINGLE FF PC port has been utter trash

Elementary indeed. But also, I die inside a little bit everyday Capcom doesn’t announce a release for this. Preferrably Physical so the data isn’t more compressed to fit on the e-shop (AATrilogy features a huge amount of DXT compression artifacts. Hampering the quality of the beautiful artwork and sprites compared to

Imagine some good ports of old games to this, Source engine games,GldSrc,IDtech,Doom,etc. I’d love a portal port

What because MN9 is in QA and is done and they need to stay EMPLOYED? AND they want to do things shitty publishers like Capcom have no faith in(Which people like YOU are proving them right)?HOW DARE THEY

Perspective, a 13 episode 1 cour anime series can cost 2-10+ million to produce.

You do realize that Animation studios NEVER fund their projects right? They are contracted out by Production Committees who do as much wrong to Anime as Executive meddling does to video games