
I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. To say what people can and can’t like and or are or ARE NOT allowed to have/see?

Who does it harm, hurt or emotionally damage? Not a single damn person.

Also: Women get fanservice too, it’s just not as prevalent in games released in the west or in games in

Hey guys, like most things. This is gonna take some time for them to get it done right. And even then, much like the Android/google or whatever it’s called marketplace, it’s gonna be filled with a bunch of fucking assholes taking money for the work of others.

I have to disagree, X-2, Revenant Wings and Crisis Core are fantastic.

That’s just like your opinion man. You couldn’t reasonably expect there to be many if any new areas in a direct sequel since you’ve already seen the whole world.
And the story just sounds like you are willing to live with the silliness of FFIV but not accept TAY.

But either way, I won’t be buying this on principle.

As long as they maintain a free version. What’s the deal? People deserve to be paid for their efforts. ESPECIALLY when it is picking up the slack of lazy publishers.

If someone doesn’t want to put up a Free Version then simply don’t use it.

Open world? No thanks

pair with with an awesome GPU CRT/customizable shader to make the game look good. Along with including the iOS HD artwork and the actual PS1 Music instead of the butchered PSP music.


They shouldn’t. They could’ve followed the EU and started with LoTF where Luke’s Wife and Nephew (And several others) are all killed. While Chewbacca and the youngest Solo child are already dead.

Yeah if things were up to people like you we’d end up with.. oh wait. Disney.

Yes i’m sorry they didn’t make the PT exactly to your specifications and expectations.

By better you mean utterly generic right?

As much as I dislike KOTOR, why can’t disney just keep making “Legends” material and official malarky?

Everyone can have their bread and eat it too. The old EU encompased thousands of years of world building and story. It’d be a shame just to be an asshole and not make anymore of that clearly separating it from the

WHICH is highly ironic considering the Retron5 is built upon copyright infringement of open source emulation authors (That actually have license requirements for people to use and redistribute)(Which btw is NOT copyright infringement. Emulation is not illegal)

This made me laugh WAY more than it should have XD

Bad troll is bad. Jaina Solo, Mara Jade, Vergere, Tahiri Veila, Ashoka Tanno, Shira Brie,Ysanne Isard and countless others would like a word.

Max Payne also used in-Engine rendered FMVs , so that was one reason for the bloat.

They should start creating different builds for different download sizes. Smaller ones for people who want smaller ones.

I care about quality far more personally and always want the best possible.

Newsflash people, high quality = high storage.

It doesn’t help that the US is so ridiculously far behind in Broadband speed and infastructure.

What’s a bigger issue is developers stupidly using pre-rendered in-Engine FMVs instead of real time cutscenes for a lot of games. This will make filesize increase massively.

Try harder buddy> It’s not just the rendering engine. They made a ton of changes to the gameplay itself as well.

And once again, pointing out that USERS. Not the DEVELOPER. Has fixed this in basically 0 amount of time. So why can’t the developer when they are charging you nearly full price for it?

You’d think Ubisoft would fix this shit by now?

This seems like a HUGE 180 from gamergate. I mean.. I dont' even. Make up your damn mind people. Seriously

It's hardly fully realized. It's still a silent, generic, lifeless character with no personality of it's own other than what you project in your own imagination. Which utterly poor storytelling and absolutely lazy on the writer/developers.