
Newsflash people, high quality = high storage.

It doesn’t help that the US is so ridiculously far behind in Broadband speed and infastructure.

What’s a bigger issue is developers stupidly using pre-rendered in-Engine FMVs instead of real time cutscenes for a lot of games. This will make filesize increase massively.

Try harder buddy> It’s not just the rendering engine. They made a ton of changes to the gameplay itself as well.

And once again, pointing out that USERS. Not the DEVELOPER. Has fixed this in basically 0 amount of time. So why can’t the developer when they are charging you nearly full price for it?

You’d think Ubisoft would fix this shit by now?

This seems like a HUGE 180 from gamergate. I mean.. I dont' even. Make up your damn mind people. Seriously

It's hardly fully realized. It's still a silent, generic, lifeless character with no personality of it's own other than what you project in your own imagination. Which utterly poor storytelling and absolutely lazy on the writer/developers.

Silent blank slate characters are terrible. It almost always ruins the story any given game is trying to tell.

Exactly right? This is just a writer running out of juice. Plain and simple.

It's not like they can't ever try different genres or storytelling styles within that universe right??

Overreach? IMO it didn't overreach enough. The Star Wars universe is massive with many facets of storytelling , lore, characters and world building.

They populated a universe no better than you could possibly ever ask. Not to mention once it got rolling a fucking holocron keeper to keep shit the way it needs to be.

Well that's cool. I disagree with you as well>

Right on brother.

ALSO: The article you linked to for Metal Gear Solid is a fake joke website BTW<

"is because at a certain point uncompromising lore becomes restrictive."

Then give the fuck up, and go make something NEW instead of CONSTANTLY SCREWING YOUR FANS in order to milk a cow whoms tits have all wilted , dried up and fallen off. And you can't find a place to squeeze the milk out anymore.

The Star Wars

So basically, they made it so people actually have to work together jungling. Cry moar and adapt!

". It was just an okay game, though—another mediocre installment in a now mostly mediocre series"

Screw you good sir!
I couldn't disagree any more.

RE fans will never be satisfied. One vocal part of the base will always be complaining about SOMETHING. If we had it your way, we'd be still be stuck in the Pre-RE4 era where

Ads, ads and more ads!

KOtaku can suck it. I'm buying it anyway

The only people reviewing Nintendo products are fanboys?

Yeah, OK NintendBroh that makes sense.

Nintendo gets good scores because even if they aren't reinventing the wheel completely with every game they still make absolutely solid games. Even when they mess up. And ironically more, Nintendo sure takes more risks with

YES>NO equation can be just as bad.

It NEEDS to be broken down into different sub categories for different users
For "insert here" fans|Y|N|Maybe
When it hits lower prices |Y|N|Maybe
If you are like "Insert here"|Y|N|Maybe
If you don't mind "insert here" |Y|N|Maybe

Not all user votes are like that. Actually read them rather than going by #s

Too many belts? Anyone who honestly believes and uses this as a detractor can go fuck themselves. As if Amano's art didn't have too many ambiguously designed effeminate characters with pale skin and lipstick.

Right, like there aren't a ton of AAA games in the same state or were released in the same state.

Besides by what objective measure are supposed games on Steam awful? What, because you don't like them? Because they don't have AAA art or ideas?