
Meh, shouldn't have to break the way a game is designed just to make a character I like viable.

Getting better? You kidding? SW comics have been REALLY DAMN GOOD for a REALLY LONG TIME now before Disney came around

I'm tired of calling'em Snake. He's Vic Boss!

But also, the first person mode was sorely missed in GZ. Is just an excuse to not have to make higher quality models/textures. MGS4 was good for 2008 in that department in first person.

First little Mac, now this. People will bitch and whine about anything instead of constructively and smartly learning to beat a character. They will just complain and moan until something is done they way they want it. Regardless of whether it's factually balanced or not.

Seen too many games where they nerf the fuck

Jesus christ, how dense are you? It's not just about 60FPS, it's more about it being a fully FUNCTIONAL PC port.

Not everybody on PC uses the same monitor, or same monitor resolution.

Use your brain next time.

"Maybe we're more forgiving."

Or just blissfully and willfully ignorant. Better off because of it? I don't think so. Companies like Ubisoft need to be held liable for utterly unfinished horse shit like this and then their only recourse to make any attempt to optimize it is to make it look even worse.

Except when Steam is literally to a very large portion of the PC user base. THE ENTIRE PC MARKET. Many won't buy unless it's on steam. People have accepted Steam to be the PC market itself. An allowed and complacent intrusion of DRM out of necessity. Valve did it first, people accepted it first. And therefore, if it's

REALLY, GTA has a point? Really that's about as full of an argument as a glass full of oxygen.

Who says a game's background story has to have some deep profound meaning that makes any sense? An EXTREMELY large portion of so called games with stories out there. DO NOT HAVE THIS. Oh, Call of Duty's story has meaning with well thought out themes and playable characters who aren't just a blank slate generic

EXACTLY. It's just a game. People come up with whatever shit in the mind to make themselves feel ok about it. "OH, well he's got a gun pointed at me! it's ok to kill him! He's a bad guy!" Mentality. EVEN when these are characters maybe like Zombies which are innocent people who had no choice in what they became, or

SEE, now all you have to do is come up with some asinine Faux Pas that will make people feel morally OK about it and it's fine. People are ridiculous.

Remove any 1 dimensional story of any shooter and whoop de fucking do. It's a killing simulator!

On the one hand, the game looks like trash, a murder simulator with no actual goal but killing, won't buy it, won't play it, kthx.

Isn't this what ANY game with guns is?

Oh it isn't just because you have suspended belief that you are fighting against some supposedly "Evil" force that is awful and needs to die?


So, just because someone has a gun or a weapon that makes it SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO MURDER THEM? Even if they are law enforcement in any game?

Except the fact that Steam pretty much IS the entire PC market. Origin, Uplay and GoG pale in comparison.

And YET you HAVE to commit crimes and kill innocent Law Enforcement and other stuff in GTA in the story modes. You HAVE to play as completely amoral human beings that are just as disgusting as this game.

No one plays Grand Theft Auto to simply walk around, and drive in traffic according to real life laws and rules

This is as simple as a color space error. Being moved to 16-235 instead of 0-255 as well.

You'd think this guy'd understand that pretty easily.

WHOAH, people are able to enjoy a game? WOW SUCH...

Seriously, it's no different than ANY other game except it removes the stupid arbitrary made up socially acceptable contexts people use to feel justified about them.

And yet you play the story missions and commit crimes and enjoy playing as socially amoral people and kill innocent people like Cops? How are Cops not innocent? Just because they can defend themselves? All they are there to do is protect the public and uphold the law. People doing their jobs. They aren't there to kill

Social commentary? 9/10 times GTA and all it's stories are about nothing but CRIME, MURDER, DRUGS and amoral people. YET THIS IS OK?

It aims to be a game! NOthing more nothing less. Any other time, people try and call games art people are like "No brah it's not art, it's a game". Now this comes along and everyone comes out of the woodwork