
I find that statement insulting quite frankly. As if all of Amano's artwork wasn't super feminine and featured almost entirely the same lankiness in designs and many other quirks of their own such as constant lipstick, pale skin. Take of the nostalgia bias pal.

You can call it stylized/artistic all you want, but it's

Great art.

A FFVII remake really just needs to handle it the way Etrian Odyssey did.

Classic mode. Remake mode.
Both modes have toggleable voice acting, switchable soundtrack (New, original) and character portraits. (Hi-res versions of original portraits, CG portraits, new 2D portraits)

Classic mode doesn't introduce any

You only care about this when Destiny comes out eh?

"but 79 games in 27 years seems like far, far too many."

No, not really. And you can simply not play them either. They only make them because people buy them.

Vote with your wallet!

See, now if only western AAA and western in general (which heavily relies on cross fade dynamic music) could even remotely do it this well.

That was the worst thing about Lords of Shadow, the dynamic music system sucked. Even though the music is awesome

Except games like Doom are incredibly shallow so the point is almost entirely moot.

Epic as in overusing every trope in existence?

Of course had to insert the obligatory, generic FFVI question.

But another thing that honestly really bothers me. Is that when criticizing portrayal of women in games, things are often taken out of context, or the person doesn't do enough research to understand the situation in the first place. Or people forget that some of it just doesn't have any bearing on any real world kind

Really? Have you ever been a musician of any kind? The music and musician world can be as equal a shitstorm as video games. And it can be just as nice too.

So many different points of view, individual tastes and maturity levels.

It's just a huge broad spectrum

Shit slings from both sides.
So called professionals generalizing just as much as so called "gamers"

One kid in the class pee's his pants, now we are all forced to go to the bathroom once every twenty minutes.

Generalizing and general idiocy don't solve anything.

RTS don't make MEGA MILLIONS! So obviously they don't give a fuck.

I'm guessing you dont' recall FFT...

RPG translations weren't the best back then.

The PSP version is far superior.

I'm really surprised Gundam wasn't higher.

It's what got me into anime when I was very young watching subbed VHS tapes and whatnot


This is like when they announced FFXIII as multiplat. lolol

And after them bitching and moaning about sales? MS must have paid them a metric shit ton of money.

But also: IN regards to exclusives being dumb, exclusives make and break.

Because sony fucked up every which way possible with the Vita and is too ashamed to admit it.

It's not just because it's NOT 1080p. It's because they said it WOULD be 1080p. But it's NOT.

if they put half as much effort into RE-make the pre-rendered backgrounds as the character models, this would look amazing. As it stands they just took the old shitty low res backgrounds and post processed them, upscaled them and then filtered to hell and back. All that crap about not wanting to change it is a

All the while wearing a coke shirt. Bravo sir. Bravo