
Near perfect Software emulation of PS1/PS2 COULD be done if they really cared enough (PS1 emulation is pretty darn good on PS3, PSP AND PSVita. And it's all Software. Heck PS2 software emulation is not even half bad) and let people use their own discs AND sell games on PSN. Because let's fucking face it, licensors

Glad people are enjoying it. Personally I just can't find the appeal in these types of games.

Why are parts of that not covered in mesh yet? I'd be sooo afraid of falling out

AAA=/=Objectively better

"Now this sort of content tends to irritate certain gamers"

I can't wait for the CEO to go on about how PC gamers pirating their games is the reason of their issues!

Start with 0079. Starting with anything else is a cardinal sin!

THe problem with people whining about females. Is that there are TONS of well represented females. People are just morons who pick out the popular shit and bitch and moan about things they know nothing about.

And yet they still can't get real-time rendered cutscenes?


No reason they couldn't and shouldn't just pay the fan translator's for their work, and then release it on the Wii U as a VC game

You'd think with as popular and well selling they've been on PC lately they'd announce a PC version too..

The problem is Bungie. They are a bunch of morons who wanted players to play as a blank slate so they could project their own crap on'em. He had a personality, Bungie just didn't give a fuck.

I hope that back story is in the actual game

Too bad the actual story is probably going to be complete crap. It's a MP game afterall. This would've been a good SP game

Bad is subjective. WELCOME TO LIEF

Are you kidding me? Controversial? The Sailor Scouts have ALWAYS been thin and have legs the length of my anus and this keeps the trend and updates the base Shojou design philosophies to the modern day.

What's wrong with it?

People are wrong with it.

And i'm sure it will be an empty lifeless world thanks to open world pandering

30FPS doesn't automatically mean there's going to be latency in any form.

An excuse? Fuck off. I love how people aren't allowed to have different views and opinions.