
Genetically, but they age VERY differently and both look very different past age 40

Meh. Guess this just proves that if you get enough people to whine about it. You can get anyone to jump on a pointless and stupid bandwagon.

Next Gen? PCs before the PS4 and XBOne were even out FAR outclassed those in every possible way.

Oh 8GB of unified memory, whoop de doo. Tons of textures still look like shit. Lot of good that did you thanks to the bottleneck of the mechanical hard drive.

Gamepad isn't a Gimmick at all. Seriously go play the Zelda mini game in Nintendo Land and tell me the gamepad is a gimmick.

The problem is no one wants to bother taking a RISK and doing something amazing with it.

". Something with glass, and metal, and a feeling that it's a premium piece of consumer electronics for the hardcore Nintendo fan."

So, you want something completely generic and not all characteristic?

And if true this is the WAY to do it.

Fuck mobile games, seriously. If you want to play a god damn Nintendo game. BUY A NINTENDO CONSOLE.

Quit bitching.

It most certainly IS a PC port. They simply took the existing PC version (Which already had a ton of stuff changed from the 360/PS3 version) and added more to it. And released it only on the consoles so people couldn't see that they are inferior to PC already.

Looks better than PC?

OH, So the PS4 and XBOne versions can be played at 4k resolution with 4xSSAA at 30FPS at least?

Yeah I didn't think so.

60FPS for cinematic storytelling just doesn't work (For me anyway). And feels completely awkward.

Personally I play a ton of games at 30FPS and 60FPS(Even higher for MP games. At least 120FPS. And personally I can see the difference in framerates VERY easily. Even beyond 70+). Depending on the context. (Like if I

I fucking HATE Random Encounters. This is a god send.

If Technical details and that stuff don't matter to you or you don't care. Then that's FINE. Don't throw a bitch fit because there are some of us who DO.

Oh please, not this shit again. Seriously, it looks fine. It looks far more detailed while retaining the style of the original SD character art just fine.

If anything the colors just need to be slightly darker.

Take off those rose tinted glasses .

Oh please get over yourself and your rose tinted inane standards buddy.

The sequels are stupid because they aren't a boring retread of the first game?

Yeah sure. They actually improve on much of the first game. The stories are much different and not the same. But the gameplay is top notch.

Take off those rose tinted glasses pal

If anything the new face model simply screams "uncanny valley derp" Just look at the lifeless stare in those eyes

That redesign is awful.

I STILL don't understand why they don't just make software emulators for PS1/PS2 so you can play your own games and at the SAME TIME. Sell as much of the backlog for both systems physically possible. On TOP of streaming for those who want that kind of crap.

You can play your own games, and still legally buy new

Glad i'm not the only one.

I can't stand GTA at all. Yakuza has more soul and personality than GTA ever will

Gran Turismo COULD look this good if it wasn't held back by the PS3.

Imagine Gran Turismo running at 3-4k Resolution, good AA, full resolution alpha effects, 16xAF, better textures.

Obviously not aimed at you. This is a SIM. Not an unrealistic frivolous arcade game