

Don't buy it then. I Think MORE PS3/360 games should do this. 720p sub30FPS? No thanks

Fuck off .

How about you take off the Rose Tinted glasses and do some self reflection on your incredibly narrow minded and nostalgia blinded opinions?

Nostalgia goggles much.

Nostalgia talking. This looks GREAT. These new sprites are an attempt to get 100% closer to the original SD Artwork,

How is it that all these butthurt nostalgia fanboys miss this? I don't understand what you want or are expecting? It completely keeps the original art style while trying to get closer to the source

I won't talk specific moments, but games that have.

Xenosaga Episode I-III
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Basically any MG game, but 4 especially)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Halo 3
Halo Reach - In a bad way. I

Makes me like the guy even more.

Crysis. All of them.

So much wasted plot potential.

Fuck that. Please, just NO. Please just no.

I have loved and at least liked nearly EVERY sequel to so called games that "no one asked for"

It's hilarious that people care more about the fact that it has characters or things totally non gameplay related and the games themselves are vastly closer to what so called "Fans" have somehow thought FF to be.

X-2, XIII-2,

Butthurt nostalgia fanboy is butthurt

If you don't like it. It's obviously not aimed at you

Surely his love of Lame Theft Auto isn't apparent in his conquest for the mega millions!

Because we ALL know that only selling 10+ Million copies of MGS2 and 5+ of MGS4 wasn't enough.


Why don't you ever listen to the people who ENJOYED and liked it for what it was? (For example who didn't have a problem with the fact that Raiden wasn't some COLD emotionless non-human badass character who didn't have reservations, doubts and feelings. Or who didn't have a problem with the

US accounts dont' work because JPN PSN has pretty much every PS1 game. It wouldn't know what to do with the stupidly tiny library we get in the west

Classic Snake? Way to keep perpetuating the confusion that Solid Snake and Big Boss are the same person /rolls eyes

Still would be nice if everything wasn't tied to hardware. Come on Nintendo

Except the majority of games these days are multiplatform and there are very few actual Exclusives. And that is what really makes up the only difference. For all of those other MP games, PC will be superior in performance and IQ. AND will be available cheaper.

OH BOY another game trying focus on decisions that ultimately wont' matter and will end up being another boring game where most of the dialogue consists of the characters standing around looking stupid with a blank expressionless face and a dialogue tree.

I wish for once they'd just focus on delivering a solid well