
People like to be willfully blind to the past.

It's called /lowers glasses


Sequelitis has always been a thing.
It's a sure as the fact that everybody and their mother was trying to come up with a mascot platformer like Mario and Sonic during that period.

More like they ruined it when butthurt fans couldn't bother reading the official manga and couldn't get over the fact that SAMUS was NOT infact the way they had INDIVIDUALLY perceived her to be in their OWN MINDS over the years thanks to so little direct dialogue and exposition within the story in the games themselves

That's because the OtherM haters refuse acknowledge anything important related to the story of OtherM> Which includes the source of that event. The Manga

No, the MISTAKE was NOT giving her a voice SOONER.

They let people PERCIEVE her in their OWN way too long for too many years.

She has character and she's HUMAN, not some perfect unemotional badass. You should respect her MORE for being human and getting through all the things she's experienced in her life and the things

Oh i'm sorry Samus isn't some unemotional badass incapable of feeling anything like you "PERCIEVED" her to be for years. (dont' give me no crap about her not reacting to Ridley in past games the way she did in this one. Ridley was supposed to have been dead for good after Super Metroid. You can imagine her surprise

Yeah let's totes just not mention the official manga which tells a lot of her backstory growing up and such. (Something that is not officially available in English and should've been years ago)

You mean resolution? More people notice than you think.

Yeah some of the arguments really seem more of a personal taste issue.

I love me some grey instead of the plain ol black and white where you have the clear bad guy and clear good guy.

It's more HUMAN this way IMO

Judging by the screens. This will look amazing on PC at like 4k downsampled to 1080p.
My body is ready.

Still don't really care. And it will probably be filled with more latency and IQ issues than they will admit upfront.

Archaic? I like it that way. I don't want my zelda to become some shitty western type open world game

I hope Zelda NEVER becomes like The Elder Scrolls. I can't stand those games.


Plays PSP games: No UMD slot.

What's even more hilarious is games are probably going to look awful on a 1080p TV
Imagine PS1 games on this thing.

Emulated, upscaled to 480x272 on PSP Emulator Upscaled to 960x544 on PSVita hardware upscaled to 1920x1080 on the TV

I've felt meh towards every GTA game. They are ok, but i've never felt they were good enough to sell the numbers that they do.

can't wait to see all the people complaining about the violence, crime and murder in this game when it comes out in reviews!


And yet i'll be bored of playing the same styled GTA game after 10 minutes.

Advertising is expensive. I do bet a HUGE chunk of that is just adverts.

With this kind of budget, WHY haven't they already announced a PC version?

There's just another source of income for you. Especially on steam if you don't riddle it with stupid DRM and make the port ridiculously awful like GTA IV

No, everything they've been showing has been tailored for the PS3/360


My body NEEDs to see this game running at 4k Resolution with good AA.


I mean they are developing it ON x86 PCs, so why leave us out in the dark?

I doubt they will get decent AA even on the next gen versions (since they are aiming for 60FPS, when they could be using that

It's not a PC port. It was originally on PC