
This game would be EXACTLY the system seller PS4 needs if they could do it within the launch window.


That's COOL. So can my mid-range Gaming PC that is 2.5 years old!

"Full HD collections!"

Laughable at best. I'm sure they'll still feature software emulation of these consoles with "Classics" or some shit at some point and they'll charge us for it instead of just enabling DISC ACCESS.

Oh hey iterations of all these Wii U like features neat.

But can it do it at a non-terrible framerate that never drops below 30 with Decent Anti aliasing instead of just FXAA?

UE4 Demo?

My body is ready. To be disappointed.

That controller looks like one of those terribly uncomfortable PS controller knockoffs by Logitech for PC.

That's cool! I'll stick to my PC then where it's free.

Orbis sounds more horrible by the minute.

This is what should be in the next gen consoles

See now. Why can't someone just redraw all the backgrounds and sprites like this? lol

HD character models??

WHAT?! Someone actually uses LOGIC instead of idiocy when talking about the Wii U? Who knew!

This looks even more terrible.

I hope it's not final. That D-Pad and those sticks look TERRIBLE.

Fast Foward button? Play your own copy on an emulator and save us all the pain.

Oh hey look more rumors. And it still sounds like garbage.