
Ah, the old "He didn't inflict a potentially fatal wound to kill her, just to ugly her" defense.

Obviously, the image is far too raunchy for morning television. Coming up next, Matt Lauer discusses 50 Shades of Grey - the porn movie for people who don't like porn - with the film's stars. So stick around.

AHAHAHAHA, oh man, this is like, top of the pile of tantrum-throwing about a woman not needing you. THE WOMAN HAS STAYED ALIVE 115 YEARS, THROUGH 1/3 OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND MULTIPLE WARS, ladies and gentlement, but to this fine specimen here, who might make it past 18 if his mom doesn't see what he's doing online,

Between your second sentence and your username, I'm just going to disregard everything you say as trolling.

The longer I look at that picture the less sense it makes

Seriously those are so fucking tiny. Like did the photoshop her vulva to make it look smaller? Because mine certainly isn't that flat. wtf

The photo leaves me with the impression that if she took the bottoms off, she would look like a Barbie doll "down there." I find that far more disturbing than the idea that there are body parts "almost" on display.

Here's another thing: no human being on earth looks like that. Her body has undergone so much airbrushing and re-molding that it looks unappealing. I bet her actual body would be much more attractive. That's the part about photo modeling that I don't get.

Yeah Bar's boobs still look like boobs that are affected by things like gravity. Hannah's boobs look like they erased whatever the real picture looked like entirely and started from scratch. The shadows are so bad. They should revoke photoshop access for whoever did that.

"kids might see some vagina on this magazine about boobs!"

More importantly, why do her boobs look like cartoons? Is that makeup or photoshop. WTF?

Forget about the low-slung bikini bottoms - I'm more concerned about how photoshopped his whole thing is. Her skin doesn't even look human anymore. Those boobs look like they belong to a video-game character - like they've been painted on by someone who has never seen real breasts in their life.

Above and beyond the pose....they really photoshopped Hannah Davis into some crazy uncanny valley. I'm certain she's gorgeous, but that photo up top is seriously wigging me out. I don't know enough about the tool to put my finger on what's wrong (I feel like parts are brighter than they should be? and the skin's been

Once you beat someone senseless with DUMBELLS IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN you should have no rights to those children or any of their family members ever.

I don't understand why "attempted" murder carries a shorter sentence than actual murder. Like, you get less time because you're incompetent? And the person you want to kill is still out there and you will be released from jail within that person's lifetime. ISNT THE GOAL HERE TO PREVENT FUTURE MURDER?!??!

Honestly, *this particular guy* should be restrained from making contact with his kids- ever. If the kids decide at 16 or 18 they want to contact him, fine. That is their choice, that is their right. He should not be able to decide for them, though.

I think there are a lot of other men in prison for whom we can make

He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to


This is so fucked up on so many levels, not the least of reasons being that there is no regard for the CHILDRENS' safety in all of this.

It is egregious enough that they aren't considering her, but even if we set that aside for a second, how could it possibly be emotionally healthy for those children to be contacted

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.