
No, don't you see? He's adding to the magic. Because a bee vacuum could go in reverse. In a tense situation, the beekeeper throws the switch... and has a bee bee gun.

You're just a nurse, all you do is take orders from doctors.

"And son, I am why you never want to grow up to be a Republican voter, who thinks people who actually do work for a living to earn their education are suckers and deserve to be treated like shit by superior white men like myself."

I mean this sincerely: there is no way to say the phrases "I will argue against the servers" and "think these servers need to suck it up," without being an AWFUL human being.

I went through that crap, too! When I was in the middle of my second Master's degree, I moved back to my hometown, and as I was job searching, I took a job in retail because...bills.

Sorry, I'm just waiting for some bootstrapping asshole to bounce in here and say that people working low wage jobs deserve those jobs because they haven't applied themselves. And then flounce out when folks ask them what they'll do when all those low-wage folks get their MBAs and there's no one left to fill their

It's possible, but most people in economic distress don't throw such florid fits— they don't want to tip the scale and have the police come because that's going to fuck them over financially far more. Everybody I've dealt with who's pulled this level of crap had plenty of money, but their money pile was nowhere near

Yup, I got 99 problems with franchising and giving in to bitchass customers is most definitely one.

The assumption that anybody in the service industry must be an uneducated moron is one of the stubbornest canards in American life. How can anybody outside of the 1%ers in their moated gatehouses not grasp paying for school?

Just about the same thing happened to me while I was working at an aquarium during a summer during undergrad. I was sweeping outdoors, and the parent *pointed* at me - not subtly - while making the delightful and very audible comment. What is wrong with people? I'm a medical student now, but that's not even the point.

When I was in Morocco (and Jordan for that matter) I was asking my guides why they drank hot tea. The main idea was that if you could make your body temperature be on par with your surroundings you wouldn't be so uncomfortable. So drinking hot tea in the desert wasn't refreshing so much as bring you to a peaceful

Or people who assume that elaborate Starbucks style coffee drinks are available everywhere.

I am midwest, born and raised. And I found this story (and the writer's descriptions) hilarious.

Yeah as a Chicago type I'd say Kansas is a lot different than here. But, so is Southern Illinois, which is almost the South. And is Cincinnati Midwestern or Southern? It's a lot more complicated than Coasters think it is. I personally think of the Midwest as being one big region divided into two parts — the Upper

Not hating the religion, hating the people and how they use religion and religious cards in lieu of a tip. I firmly believe that Jesus would tip 20% in every restaurant in every situation, even if the server was rude or the food had to be heated more, because patience is a virtue and the whole 'treat people the way

I had that shit pulled on me when I was working retail on Newbury Street in Boston, which meant there were entitled, rich suburban moms with their equally entitled kids buying stupid t-shirts that would fall apart after the first wash for $25 a pop. I was in grad school, as many, many people working retail in Boston

I can't possibly be the only server who thinks putting "extra love," whatever the hell that may mean, in a person's omelet is unconscionable, no matter how much of a dickwalrus the person is? I mean, unless "extra love" means "too much black pepper" or something. In my more than 20 years of serving, no matter how

I feel like their being Christians is relevant. He got a picture of Jesus as a tip. I don't think that atheists, jews, hindus, etc. do that. Also, as a someone who is not Christian and was raised in on the East Coast, seeing the extent of religiosity of can be pretty striking...

this is it. this is the one. here we go.

So I'll edit this as I read further, but so far just for the first story.