
If everyone will allow me to be weird for a moment -

I am happy to have followed you from commenter to editor, from BRIMSG to Burt-bag. I am like the cats in this gif, but so incredibly pleased for you. Cosmo is lucky to have you and if one of your new co-workers offers you a scrunchy, say NO!

I live in this north Arlington neighborhood and I don't think that's true it all. They have never bothered me. It's a big house set back from the street. I would call it a mansion; it has gates. My read on it is that the people who are bothered are bothered by the sex. Which nobody has seen or heard; one of our

That was my VERY first thought.

..Only Eutopia probably has fewer issues with life-threatening levels of alcohol consumption, public property damage, driving under the influence...oh, and rape.

If there's one thing more tedious than pedants, it's incorrect pedants.

"Shutter" is a perfectly normal word choice in this context. Perhaps you don't read very much.

If it was a dozen or so people coming over for a weekly dinner party, no one would be saying a word.

Americans have a problem with bodies. On one hand, they demand to see them (from women), photoshop them when they look too average, shame people for willingly showing them, complain to the FCC when they see too much male nakedness, shame people when they see naked bodyparts in a non-sexual way, or non-average body

They are saying it was a suicide attempt. God bless her and her family. My heart breaks for her. Losing my mother was the hardest thing I have ever been through. It's just so sad for her.

I'm willing to bet that Eutopia's enemies - in other contexts - would be quick to tell you how much they value freedom and limited government intervention.

Perhaps on reread you'll notice how deeply insulting and judgmental your statements are. It is one thing to find the bulk of professional pornography misogynistic, to worry how damaging it is for young men to "learn" about sex through violent images, or to be concerned about trafficking and coercion in the sex

Well this is fucking heart breaking.

If I ask my boyfriend to photograph me because it arouses me to be photographed, then he is coercing me? That is not only illogical but also insulting. You're robbing me of both my agency and my sexuality. There is nothing base in enjoying the things that sexually excite me in the privacy of my home with my

I am extremely interested in everyone, poor or not, having all the state-funded birth control they can manage. I'm interested in every single person being covered in condoms and full of birth control pills and being able to pluck IUDs from trees, while friendly birds fly up and drop diaphragms and Nuvarings into our

The same people who fought for the parents' rights to carry loaded guns together with the kids' snack packs also thinks the fetus is more important than all the other people in that room, right up until the moment it's born. Then you can put a loaded gun in the crib if you want.

Truly. Millennials seem to think that we've hit the post racial period by now. But, really. What's so hard about going outside and offering the man a seat in case he wanted to join that party? And THEN asking him to leave (nicely) if it turned out he didn't know any of them?

Err on the side of kindness, people! >_<

Ugh, I love that you assume that if a woman likes something YOU don't like, it's automatically because she's blinded by her allegiance to a man. So progressive of you!

Agreed. To do this properly, I think you would need a fleet of private detectives to get some hard evidence first, though.

Values are only Family Values if they don't interfere with extracurricular sex with mistresses. The best thing a politician can do is called investigative journalists and let them expose these hypocrites especially if they are women and/or in the LGBT community. It is too dangerous otherwise. People are whack these