
Doing porn as an adult seems to be the equivalent of picking your nose as a kid. Is it illegal? No. Is everyone a hypocrite if they make you feel like a freak for it? Probably. Will it give you a reputation you may never live down? Yeah, unfortunately it probably will.

*sighs* and to think she gets paid to be this stupid is just depressing.

Sounds like your crime was being a human female on planet earth. /s I'm sorry that happened to you. :(

The crazy thing is that even when women "stay in their roles" rape still happens. Stay at home moms get raped (often by their spouses, which many conservatives say cannot happen). Traditional "femme" women get raped. Church-going women get raped. NUNS have gotten raped, for crying out loud (and yes, I've met one).

"Because we're getting so many mixed messages."

Boys don't rape women. Rapists rape women.

Are women strong enough to take care of themselves, or are they not strong enough to take care of themselves?

Only took two minutes for someone to pop in with "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ".

Let's be clear, the minute a "boy" rapes someone, I immediately consider him guilty of the crime of rape. If he has a problem with that, I suggest he rethink his practice of sexually assaulting unconscious women.

Somebody get Megyn Kelly on this, QUICK. She seems to not be suffering fools lately. Seriously.

Hey Dionne!

Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.

Yeah, I was such a naughty girl at the age of fifteen when I fell asleep at a friend's party and woke up to an acquaintance raping and sodomizing me sans condom. No alcohol in my system or anything, but I was just naughty, and that was totally my fault. I should have only been around other teenage girls.

THE Joan Wilder!

Conversely, as someone plain in feature and certainly overweight, but who def has a charismatic personality and wit (I don't consider that bragging, I consider that knowing what my assets are and being confident in them), I get equally annoyed when people assume I ONLY developed those traits as a result of being

You read that sentence and you stop and wonder what people think when they first meet you. Does everyone I meet assume I can't be charming and witty and warm? Does the whole world jump to the conclusion I'm some bridge-dwelling troll who can't carry a conversation?

You think those are the same?

Your comment would be a lot more valid if you didn't feel the need to point out that people can "help being fat" (which is also, 'on the whole', not true, and completely irrelevant either way). If it were true it wouldn't make this anywhere near OK, and everyone is as outraged by the 'plain of feature' bit as the

Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Women could be performing brain surgery, piloting a spaceship or accepting their Nobel Prize and it really is still acceptable to qualify their accomplishments with their fucking swimsuit scores. This woman's body type is literally the least interesting thing about her, but oh how important it

Lately I've been dealing pretty directly with my own psychological scars from being bullied almost daily for about 10 years of my childhood/adolescence — being constantly told that I was ugly. And this was before I gained 60-70 pounds and also became "certainly overweight" besides "plain of feature." Besides the