
mine was off the clearance rack at Torrid.

I'm so sorry you don't have the chance to resolve your difficulties with your mother. I don't know if this will help, but neither of my parents came to my wedding last year, and it was just fine. My Dad, who I adore, was living in China at the time and couldn't get a visa to the UK; and my mother, who I can't abide

I wanted to add to the positive wedding dress stories.

I hear you but:

There's a woman at our hospital that has been getting relentlessly stalked for five years now. It all started from a wrong number calling her and the nutcase on the other end deciding her voice was "sexy" and just kept calling back until she blocked his number. Then he used his knowledge of HER number to track down

Yeah, we get an order like that, we automatically call back to "check," which is code for "you honestly think anybody's buying this, evil mastermind? Not even."

RRRRRRGH STALKING IS A FUCKING CRIME honestly, this is such bullshit!

"More then 2hours and no tweet about all the shit weve [sic] done," one complained.

That does precisely nothing against the SWATting threat. That's the most dangerous threat she received, in my view.

My dress was a sample. I told everyone when they complimented me on it because I am my Nannie and I'm genetically required to tell people when I got a deal. "THANKS, I GOT IT FOR A THIRD OF THE REGULAR PRICE BECAUSE IT WAS THE SAMPLE EVERYONE TRIED ON."

An actual crime...like stalking? Like that actual crime that he actually did commit?

One them is 18, and the other two are 17. They can all legally drive a vehicle. One can serve in the military, and the other two are only months away. Tell me again how we treat them as adults in society but their brains aren't developed enough to tell them that murdering a 14 year old girl is a bad thing. Jesus.

I vividly remember the only time I went dress shopping (yes, some straight guys have a sense of style/fashion too and I have a thing for wedding dresses) and was a bit surprised when I didn't get kicked out.

I dealt with a stalker in high school. He wanted to date, I said no and he went batshit. Threats, showing up places I was, sending threats through other people, waiting outside my classes, telling people I was a slut, driving down my street-usual stalker stuff. My parents took me to the police, and while I was

I figured it was just a day…what could go wrong.

Anna, thank you so much. I have loads to say and this is perhaps not the best place to say all of it. In my years of moderating Jezebel and Groupthink (nowadays Groupthink), I've faced a lot of horrifying trolls myself. The other mods and I have had to contact police before, block doxxing attempts, take care of

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and not at all surprised by the police response.

My wedding gown shopping was awesome. I did it all online. yep, you read that correctly. So it was me and me only. I did not want a conventional wedding gown, sorry, but white and strapless so utterly boring, everyone is doing that, in fact most gowns look the same. Here is my dress, size 10, and on sale. And

"In fact, one of them kind of smiled at me so that was, so that was pretty hard to deal with. I don't see how he thought it was funny."