I was thinking about their love songs and how they're actually perfectly honest reflections on the way that most 23 year-old dudes view love. To them, true romance is a girl who comes to all of your shows and doesn't expect anything back from you.
I was thinking about their love songs and how they're actually perfectly honest reflections on the way that most 23 year-old dudes view love. To them, true romance is a girl who comes to all of your shows and doesn't expect anything back from you.
There are so many bands I feel this way about, but I think blink-182 really tops that list. It's hard to grow up and realize most/all the bands you loved in your youth are actually shit, but thankfully that doesn't obligate you to hate them. Music is a powerful thing and I can still lie down and listen to songs from…
Yup. Similarly, the "For Women" or "Female Friendly" categories (the vids that usually have the softer lighting/focus on women's pleasures/romantic couples) on porn sites rarely ever feature black performers. It's like black women can't be seen as soft, loving. They are always the "Black b*tch takes it up the ***" or…
Porn has really bizarre attitudes toward people of color in general. Like the fact that, on most of the generic porn sites like youporn, etc, there's an "ebony" category and a "Latina" category (no Latino, though), because if people can't easily fetishize the brown person of their choice, what's the point? And in…
Hmmmm, I'm not sure that I got a "Porn is amazingly feminist yay!" vibe from this. I got the impression that Mark is, understandably, on the fence about certain aspects of the industry. With the example of gonzo porn, he says that for some performers, it's an experience they find empowering and liberating, but gonzo…
It's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is that if a white female performer is willing to do scenes with black men, unless she has a great agent or is in charge of her own career, she often will get paid less and have less chance of becoming a "starlet" as a result.
It's all you're gonna want from now on. You're welcome :)
Yes!! I would sometimes mix it up with a pepperoni & feta calzone and eat the whole damn thing with a side of Pepcid AC.
Ugh that sounds like hell. Too bad there isn't a happy medium between hell and not knowing, so that you could catch it to treat it and not be completely miserable.
I also ended up with a murmur! Luckily I didn't end up susceptible to strep, but weirdly when I have had it, I've never felt it. I would be in with a sinus infection(the bane of my childhood existence), and they'd be all like, "hey that's one hell of a raging case of strep you've got there" which left me terrified I'd…
We've known about declining male fertility and sperm counts for a fair while now. The WHO actually noticed this a a few decades ago, and has been slowly lowering the standard for "normal" sperm counts so that it seems more appropriate to the average (which is getting lower and lower). A "normal" sperm count today for…
Easier than a tubal ligation. Both physically, and in terms of finding a doctor who will do it.
Okay so I'm not that old, but I had scarlet fever in elementary school. The only people at the time that I knew who had ever had it were me and Mary Ingalls, and she went blind from it! (I got it around the time I was reading the 'Little House' books) I had no idea it could lead to heart problems and now I'm going to…
Oh yay does this mean something might actually happen? Cause everyone I know has PCOS, endimetrioses and all sorts of other fun combo's (rates are something like 40%of the population) - most likely linked to BPA, but nobody seems to think its a big deal
I used to get strep throat frequently as a kid throughout high school. I was always scared I'd get scarlet fever because of the Little House on the Prairie books and TV show!
It's already known that PBA does some serous shit to females. They don't give a hot shit.
People have been looking into BPA for a while now and the evidence is not good. It's not just plastics, it's also detergents and many fertilisers and pesticides too, so pretty much everything we do with our food. The effect this has on the general environment is pretty horrible too.
Ever wonder how it was physically possible for your great-grandparents to have like 10 kids?
Not to be all "not all chiropractors" but seriously, "they?" Who are "they?"
What a lot of the anti-vaxxers seem to leave out of their flawed logic is the fact that we've become a far more mobile society than in the past. When I was a kid, a Disney trip was the once-in-a-childhood, penultimate adventure. Even in my very middle-middle class burb, there are quite a few families who own…