
I have dark black hair. Long dark black hair. But when I was a teenager I was not happy having long dark black hair. However It's hard to lighten black hair when you don't know what you are doing and silly me I thought you could bleach your hair with actual bleach. So I went to the cupboard and got the javex and

When I was about 9 there was a lice outbreak at my school. Every ody had to be deliced and treated, etc. and my Mom decided I would switch my hairdo from my high ponytail with curls (think Shirley Temple curls) to a braid coiled atop my head. No big. I must add here that I have enough curly hair for six people and ay

My whole adolescence was one long beauty disaster, thanks to my mother's bizarre aesthetics. When I was in 9th grade she decided I needed a Princess Di haircut, because long hair was slutty. A teacher told me I looked like a character out of the old comic strip Terry and the Pirates—this was long before the

Now playing

I am a survivor of a 1987 Ogilvie Home Perm.

I'll just leave this here....

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

OK, what the holy Fuck is it going to take for the general populace of this Goddamn country to decide the police state and jail-complex is utterly out of its fucking mind? Holy Christ I know there's a chunk that will be all tough and say "what do you expect, she's going to visit a felon/criminal," but seriously, it's

Prolonged exposure can cause spontaneous abortion and a host of health issues in the developing fetus. When you are delivering, the exposure isn't prolonged, and the baby is coming out, so the risks aren't the same as they would be for a pregnant dentist or other health professional exposed to the gas throughout her

I think it's more likely she was raped =/ It's common in nunneries.

ETA: Whoops. Sorry for repeating you Jan. Post wasn't showing at the time I submitted.

I hope so, cause I once read a terrifying statistic about how common nun rape is - because they won't report it to the police, so they "perfect victims".

Considering the lack of sexual education available to children and adults worldwide, the religion that these women have chosen to spend their lives in, and the sequestration of nuns, I would not be surprised if she honestly did not know a whole lot about sex or that she could be pregnant.

The virgin Mary was the immaculate conception in that she was born without original sin, the phrase doesn't mean being knocked up by God. Thus ends my pedantry for the day.

How, exactly, did the senior marketing official from the national office determine that making that statement in the update was a good idea?

Yeah, as mentioned, I wasn't the most knowledgeable about the female body at 22. I have since learned of the vagina's exceptional expandability. I was aware baby's came out, which is why virgin crossed my mind. Guys (generally, and my 22 year old self included) have an initial belief that virgins are tight, and the

What is the purpose of recording stuff like this? I just don't understand. I'm a Gen-Xer and Millennials just seem to have such a different mindset (I know #NotAllMillennials). It seems like from where I'm sitting our society is going backwards with equal rights and not forward. And it's not like college guys were

I've burst into tears after failed sexual intercourse. You don't need to be a rape survivor to feel humiliated and hopeless after one of these experiences.

Holy shit holy shit. I've never been able to use tampons and felt terrible about it, and all my attempts at actually having vaginal intercourse with people have been failures - it's difficult for the guy to 'get it in there' and I freak out and get uncomfortable or it hurts too much and I have to stop. Sorry for the

YES YES YES AND MORE FUCKING YES. though i feel lucky to have known by 19 what was up, i spent so long thinking there was something wrong with me. sex hurt, tampons hurt (no longer, just initially), and the doctors i saw gave no fucks. i've always been a highly proactive person so i sought out a doctor by my home who

This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.