
He sounds like a great kid who has come a long way with support from you. I really can tell, with my students, which ones get academic support at home. It makes a big difference.

There was much crying and screaming involved and that cousin and her husband ultimately switched churches.

Maybe I can help. (I'm also a special ed teacher, btw) What kind of program is he in? If he is in resource or inclusion, his case manager can advocate for him. If he is in a special day class and mainstreamed for certain subjects, his teacher should only be choosing classes for him to mainstream into where the

Jezzers .... my grandson was born today (Saturday)! He is nearly 10 pounds and 22 inches and is so beautiful and precious it hurts. I got a call at 4 a.m. that waters were flowing. I hopped a plane and crossed the country, drove 90 minutes to the hospital and was there in less than 12 hours from the time I got the

Kinda hate saying this but based on that story, leaving sounds like a superb idea.

A few months ago I hooked up with a very good friend after splitting up from my husband of ten years. The sex was AMAZING!!! We decided that we weren't going to let on to our friend circle what had happened. He is twelve years younger than I am and we just thought it would be weird.

The everything the same color no-no can be achieved with food coloring. Silly, I know, but once my husband complained about a bland looking dinner, I turned the mashed potatoes into purple fluff.

You're so right. She just makes me so angry because she knows all the buttons to push. Walk away is my best option, I think. I appreciate your input :)

It's at the snarky comment point that you have a choice to make. Do you want all hell to break loose, or not? You can perfect the art of the silent blink and refuse to engage her. After a half dozen times or so of trying to provoke a response, she will give up.

The two best meals I have been made this past week:

I have seen it happen with a kid with selective mutism, and it was pretty great.

Consider that it may be a very good thing that he was so over the top. You should not be tempted to backslide with that trash bag.

Happy Saturday, Jezzies! Rough week here, turned bullet-dodging, blessing-in-disguise better in the end, I think.

As odd as it is, the incest is way less creepy than their relationship. Everything about it seems like he started grooming her the minute they came into contact. This girl most likely needs some real therapy and cut to off contact with her family. I mean her grandparents are supportive of this fuckery? She needs to

I wonder if some of the parts about how everyone around them is totally cool with it are fantasy? Even if his parents are as fucked up as he is, I can't imagine his ex-girlfriend being like "lol yeah cool go bone your daughter."

Yeah, it seems like some kind of crossed-wire thing almost. I just think about the relationship between a mother and baby, for example. There's this incredibly intense love, lots of touching, holding, gazing into each others eyes etc., and obviously that's not sexual at all. Similarly, lots of young siblings like to

the kids thing really isn't that huge of a deal, genetically, unless some pretty specific recessive genes run in the family. moderate incest is basically how humanity grew before the population exploded like it has now. it's still slim with such a close blood relation like a parent and child.

Um can we talk about the part where he had a girlfriend IN THE HOUSE who had him having sex with his 17 year old daughter and didn't call the cops??

weirdly, this doesn't surprise me at all. like when they talk about it, i objectively get where it's coming from, psychologically speaking.

A lot of hoarders find sorting through and organizing their stuff to be overwhelming, even if a normal person would not be overwhelmed. Some hoarders may even see their stacks of stuff as already organized, because they know where they put everything. I know it doesn't make sense, but it can be very, very hard for a