
TBH I'd be so thrilled if my coworkers would just stop holding out plates of cookies and banana bread with chocolate chips and such and offering them to me. I know they're being nice but I have a limited calorie budget and I don't really feel like explaining why I don't want ice cream in the middle of the afternoon at

It does suck that men #notallmen though, lose weight faster than women. I saw it while in the military. The females hated being told by the males how it would be easy to lose weight if they just stopped drinking soda, eating bread, etc. If it was that easy.

Now playing

Yessss. And on that note, Hot Shots had the best sexytime scene ever.

Way better in Russian cause I have no clue what she's saying, and I think Russian is pretty.

Or could it be, as this paper suggests, that as one partner becomes successful the other loses confidence?

For real, my last boyfriend ate nothing but sugary cereal for every meal but remained naturally trim and then gave me dirty looks when I took the escalator instead of the stairs. I tried telling him about my history of eating disorders once to try and get him to understand where I'm at and why I feel and act the way I

Yeah— the creature that Whoopi has turned into bums me out, almost as much as I was bummed-out to find that Cosby was a rapist. I was a huge huge fan of her standup & movies back in the '80s, absolutely loved her; she had a heart and a razor wit and a way with words, and she was a touchstone for foulmouthed girls

Since September, I've lost about 40 pounds

I can't diet with my husband who can pretty much eat whatever he wants and keep his fine ass "brad pitt from fight club" body intact, where I look at a piece of bread and my ass gets big. He's an usurper of diets, telling me "oh honey you can totally eat that burger" then when I start complaining about my weight he'll

I feel the same. The sound of someone whispering into a mic makes me want to cover my ears and scream. I think it's because it's mostly hard consonants, and you can hear every tiny little mouth noise. It's like being in a saliva cave.

At the opposite end of ASMR is Misophonia, the hatred of sound. And it is possible to experience both. Brushing sounds relax me to the point where I use them to fall asleep (the closest example is the feeling of having your hair brushed), but chewing and eating sounds (which some ASMRtists also use) make me want to

Lou Ferrigno's wife thinks Camille was an enabler based on her account of being attacked by Bill Cosby at their own home. I would go as far as to say she knew she was enabling Cosby's long history of (known) infidelity, but not that she knew he was raping these women.

I'm just thankful the picture wasn't taken IMMEDIATELY upon finding it... Count your blessings folks.

It is the portrait of a man I do not know.

I had to take a young relative to the pediatric ward after she was drugged and raped. The police were worse than useless, but the social worker at the hospital probably saved her life. Between the Plan B, the anti-HIV drugs and the antibiotics, my poor girl was sick for weeks. I will NEVER forget the look on her

So? Deus ex machina is used by: Shakespeare, Euripides, Dickens, Tolkien, Monty Python, Moliere- I could go on. Just let people have their fandoms.

Popular opinion: she's not the best writer in the world, but she's a fantastic storyteller. (And, like other people said, a great worldbuilder.)

I was about 16 when the first book came out, and I never outgrew them. I feel like they grew with me. Each one was a little darker than the last, until you get to the last book, where you are dealing with very adult themes. It's not for everyone, I grant you, but some people like to read books just for fun.

That part really makes me so sad because I completely understand her reasoning. I think people underestimate how many elements factor into a person's decision to or not to report their rape.

the fact that a MAN had to say something about the worst kept secret in Hollywood for it to mean anything irks the fuck out of me.