"I am very worried that administration concern for external crime is replacing concern for internal crime. The greater problem is date rape, or assaults by other students, which the planned system would do nothing to stop."
"I am very worried that administration concern for external crime is replacing concern for internal crime. The greater problem is date rape, or assaults by other students, which the planned system would do nothing to stop."
I served 9 years, honorably. I sustained serious PTSD and mental health issues directly from being raped by my 'brothers' and punished by the system... it wasn't war that did this to me. It was the other Soldiers. This is what many Vets (some men too) are hiding from you. Many of our disabilities and wounds are not…
Middle Easterners? No. North Africans? Yes. Maybe not to the rest of the world as history books and documentaries talk about Egypt as if it's NOT IN GODDAMN AFRICA, but I promise you, if they absolutely had to choose they'd say black and not white. However, if given another option, they'd say, you know Egyptian…
Not going to see this shit. At the very least, these mutherfuckers could be true to the look of the goddamn region and cast people who are North African or Middle Eastern. Aside from the fact that I think most of the stuff reported as happening (burning bush, parting of the red sea) is false, the LEAST they could do…
"Quit saying bad things about me that are true!" said Aaron Sorkin as he shoved his hands deeply in his pockets, put his head down to his chest and kicked the nearest rock.
55 a day. It is so heartbreaking and maddening that, each day, 55 people who selflessly chose to serve their country are thanked with assault, intimidation and, ultimately, silence. This is an epidemic.
One year ago this month, I was invited to meet with the White House about the crisis of sexual assault in the…
Lol. Labor laws... lol. OMG! Did you actually think those applied to poor people?
Dude, in the deep south, you don't want to know how weird things can get when it comes to minors working. I grew up in Alabama and got my first job at my dad's clinic when I was 12....essentially as an intake nurse. We lived in the middle of nowhere, and no real nurses ever wanted to work out there let alone move, not…
The excuse from the Anti side about why we cannot possibly allow small packs of smokes is that "nonsmokers being able to access small amounts of cigarettes will make them smoke more", somehow, though it's not explained in any kind of realistic manner; and also "think of the children" which is bullshit because kids who…
I just checked to make sure I had enough whiskey to get through reliving some nightmares and it looks like we are good to go.
This is Texas. Federal laws are for other states.
I am guilty of bumming at weddings and parties with my smoker-friends because I hate events like that and I find myself following them outside for a reprieve from socializing with randos. And then, because they are nice people and know I used to smoke, they offer me a cig. And I take it. And then I hate myself when I…
Dude, always take the dollar. That's like 1/10 of a pack. If 10 people give a dollar, that's a new pack for me.
Solution: Industry should offer loose cigarettes for sale. Or packs of 5. Or packs of 10. Or all of the above. Big Tobacco could thereby stay in business and the "but I don't want to go back to being a real smoker" crowd gets our happy-hour satisfaction.
I was once out drinking with friends and saw a guy dressed as Santa, smoking. I proceeded to sit on his knee, bite my lip, and tell him I'd been a very, very bad girl but I really wanted a cigarette.
I used to smoke and then I "quit" and would just have the occasional drunk cig. I've managed to whittle that down to only having one every few months (my last one was on my 30th birthday in August). There is magic in the occasional drunk smoke and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
Italy's problem with respect to olive oil runs pretty deep, and of course has everything to do with greed, politics and corruption. If you're at all interested in the topic, Tom Mueller's Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil is a pretty interesting read. The problem basically boils down to…