I'm a redhead with no freckles (THANKS FOR NOTHING UNIVERSE) and I've always desperately wanted them. I'm green with envy of her gorgeous ones!
I'm a redhead with no freckles (THANKS FOR NOTHING UNIVERSE) and I've always desperately wanted them. I'm green with envy of her gorgeous ones!
Yes, that does work beautifully. I have five very loud, exuberant, strong-willed children - all sweet as pie but full of piss and vinegar. They came out of the womb this way, chalk it up to temperament. I've seen parents who dial in their parenting, have kids who are naturally calm and passive. I am a calm and fair…
I was just reading a book the other day where they referenced kale as "peasant food." I thought it was so funny now that it has become this bourgeois elite symbol. I eat a lot of kale now, never while growing up, but we were really big on eggplant. Will the great eggplant get its 15 minutes to shine?!
Also, sorry if…
Some children absolutely need the physical stimulus to break them out of the emotional "loop," and a swat on the arm or butt can get a tantruming child's attention when words are not coming through. I think in that case it's not really that the swat is the punishment itself, just an attention-getter so the kid will…
I can give off this vibe of, "think long and hard about starting this, because I'm pretty sure it won't end the way you hope it does."
Your parents sound awesome; but there is also a portion of luck involved in how your kids come out, ie. their innate character and mental/biological makeup. Your parents' approach would not work with all children. Neither would a slap, of course. It's a matter of tailoring the approach to the child. Consistency and…
This story.
Kale Horreur.
Rainbow chard:
I've always thought a swift (and not too hard, obvs) slap across the leg/arm/butt of a misbehaving child is far less damaging than a harsh word. So sue me.
No one in the history of humanity has ever had a rational conversation with an upset 2-3 year old.
So, this might sound incredibly stupid, but I wish someone had said it to me for the first several years I was having sex: Are you using spermicide-lubricated condoms? Because when I stopped using those, I realized that actually, burning doesn't just come with the territory. I seriously just thought that was what…
You know, for me, it seems like admitting to my husband and myself that it's the hormones is actually kind of freeing. It's nice to acknowledge that it's irrational and it's not my fault. For most of my life, I felt like it was my fault, and I felt like a horrible person. I would get really angry and sometimes become…
I'm not a mom and my circle is a couple years away from that stage but what's wrong with starting the party at like 7 or 8 and saying right out, "Hey guys this party's a night for the grown-ups to hangout but can't wait to see the kid's at the next one". Also give everyone ample notice for babysitting arrangements.
I am waging war on clutter. Today I sorted toys, put blankets away tidily, and filled two giant bags for Goodwill. And one entire bag was toy crap my mom bought the kids at Goodwill. Love my mom, who is great with the kids, but this proliferation of half-broken plastic crap has to end. I finally got her to…
Also, did you seriously just assume that because I think it's shitty to make fun of overweight people, I must myself be overweight, sedentary and "complaining about a lack of plus sizes"? That's…interesting.
Breaking News on THE DUHHH REPORT!
How do you propose "keeping your kid out of the spotlight" when celebs are stalked by paparazzi? Never letting the kid go outside? I mean, it seems like Tron made the "mistake' of going on a date.
Rasputin's influence on the Tsar's family did have a roll to play in the revolution though. He was something of a charlatan that the people heartily disliked.
These pictures do a really good job of conveying how squicked out I was about Pocahontas when it came out. The entire idea that Disney made a 'princess' movie about her and then paired her up with John Smith as a love interest, made my skin crawl.
I think the point is to make you cringe. The fairy tale renditions they come up with are from source material that really ought to make you cringe, and then they .. well, do this.