Holy Hyaena

I do agree that it’s stupid to get so drunk you’re passing out at parties because, yeah, there are bad people out there, including rapists. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. However I don’t think it’s a woman’s fault if she does drink to excess and gets raped because the only criminal there is the fucking rapist.

I just read my own comment without realizing my own comment and was about to comment, “I DID TOO!” ... I am verra tired.

“Every single commentor here” amounts to what? Maybe 200 people, tops? If it amazes you that there are 200 women who have been raped, then holy shit do I have news for you.

“would’ve” or “would have,” not “would of.”

Oh, God, I really didn’t mean that as a criticism of you! I’m so sorry if it came across that way. He’s just being so fucking evil to you, and I wanted you to know you could make him disappear if you didn’t already (some people choose not to dismiss because they feel uncomfortable with the idea for a variety of

I think the trolls tend to undermine their own claims, though. I feel like if (and this is a very, very, very, absurdly, comically, incoherently big if) they were making this up “for the attention”, there is no way they would continue to speak up once they realized how shitty some people can be to those who come

I flagged every one of this waste of skin’s comments.

Someone on the last Gawker article about Cosby mentioned that since the deposition was unsealed, the tide really seems to have turned, at least when it comes to Internet comments. Before, at least 50%—and often more—of the comments on any given article were supporting Cosby, or at the very least, listing all the

You can keep your “sorry.” It's worthless coming from someone like you.

I’m not trying to be a dick at all, I just feel like you could use this:

Yes, murdering the baby was clearly her only choice because, um, ac/heat wasn’t available at the fire station or police station....um, what? That’s what you’re trying to say? I guess we shouldn’t expect anything very profound coming from you since you say “would of” repeatedly instead of “would’ve”.

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

It’s amazing how people who share an experience might rally in a forum focused on that experience. WOW SUCH AMAZE INNAWEBZ

Mocking the physical appearance of women courageous enough to come forward about their rapes. Classy.

I choose to believe in the good of people. I’ve dated since, and those men I loved held me when I was having my nightmare flashbacks. I’m slow to trust, but those I allow into my confidence have done me well. I’ll will admit, the number of people who know about what happened to me can be counted on one hand, and I

This has got to be the worse thing a male celebrity has ever done, right? So many people have scandals related to drugs, domestic violence, sexual abuse to some degree. But we’ve never had a case like this, right? A serial rapist. Dozens of victims over the course of decades. It’s so sick and evil.

I see Janice Dickinson among them. Not so crazy after all, Cosby; amirite?

It does take a lot of guts. But then the trolls will say “they’re doing it for money/attention, and this is proof!” Sigh. As a survivor of sexual abuse/rape myself, it amazes me the kinds of mental gymnastics people will go through to discredit victims.

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

The Satan statue obviously has the wrong head.