Sondheim said it best:
Sondheim said it best:
You are making me giggle.
This story reminds me of an episode of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” I saw a few years ago. There was a couple from Dallas who had met on MySpace. After just a few dates, the guy asked the girl to go to a work convention with him in Palm Desert. They got lost during an outing in the San Jacinto mountains and ended up…
You’re fooling yourself if you think poo particles aren’t all around you anyway.
Or that “partner” is used for the happiest women (despite the use of male pronouns) but “wife” for the happiest men. Revealing.
So tell him that. Ask for help.
The manic, pixie dream girl thing needs to die in a fire. I have had too, too many men try to force me into that role. If you want to be adventuresome , then you have to do it on your own. Don’t make me drag you, kicking and screaming or whining and sulking, out of your comfort zone. It will end badly for both of us
IDK why exactly but this reminded me of the time my husband and I both realized at the same time that none of our celebrity crushes had been educated beyond high school. We were like Ooooh... yeah we actually are better off with each other.
Iced tea, meet keyboard.
Weird how dozens of women can claim the same man raped them AND he admitted to buying drugs to do it and idiots like you still won’t believe the victims!
Edgy and original insight. Thank you, sir!
You’d think, but he actually raped over 40.
I keep seeing people post this as some sort of great example of criticism but it’s really just a guy swearing at plot problems for ten minutes. This is what cinema sins and honest trailers have wrought: terrible superficial shit that says little about the art and everything about plot
She is lovely. The dress is atrocious.
I’ve seen guys write on their dating profiles on OKC “have a good credit rating/little or no debt”.
LOL are you trying to neg Anna Merlan’s neg example? That is truly pitiful.
ew ew ew ew ew. he sounds gross.
On a dating site, a guy messaged me saying, ‘You’re older than i usually look for but i just had to message you because you seem like a cool girl.’ His stated age range was 18-30. He was 35. So am i.
“You know, I usually like really skinny, pretty Barbie doll types, but I really like you. You are so real and low maintenance. I like how you don’t put so much into your appearance. You’re so real.” After I had spent 2 hours getting ready for this date...