Holy Hyaena

Right? I admittedly don’t watch the show but, from all the clips I’ve seen, it feels like the appeal is: “I do so enjoy water cooler conversations with my uninformed coworkers. If only someone could recreate that as a TV show.”

Remember that Muslim lady who couldn’t get an unopened can of Coke on a plane because the flight attendant was worried she’d use it as a weapon? Meanwhile, Conrad Hilton gets caught smoking weed in an airplane bathroom, threatens to kill a flight attendant, and gets off with community service.

Today in ZzzZZzzZzz: Could Damien Lewis be the next James Bond?

Couldn’t help, sorry. :P

“I think we’re being overly penalized, and we’re certainly being overly scrutinized by the world,” said Gay Butler, an interior designer out for a trail ride on her show horse, Bear. She said her water bill averages about $800 a month.

It (the internet) says Rose Leslie is 5’6”, and she’s not wearing heels here. He’s 5’8” on a good day.

he’s tall ENOUGH. *WINK*

Wearing heels affects your body in multiple ways. It can cause problems for the spine, feet, and legs. Requiring professional attire is one thing; requiring a specific kind of professional attire that causes longterm adverse effects and increases risk of accident is an entirely different thing.

That is so weird to compare suit jackets or steel toed boots (which I assume are a safety requirement in those jobs) to wearing high heels, which have adverse effects on health. Like, maybe you don’t want to wear a jacket, but it’s not ultimately going to harm you. The steel toed boots will actually protect you. This

Wearing professional footwear is fine but people should be able to wear professional, comfortable shoes that won’t hurt their feet. Especially if they have a job that involves walking, standing, and carrying heavy items. For a lot of women, heels hurt their feet after a while.

A: 1) I have no idea what the fuck. 2) They’re hosed. 3) Yes, they do, and yes, it is.

Andrea Farrington was 20 years old. She worked at the Iowa Children’s Museum. She loved children. She was planning on going back to school and possibly studying psychology.

The problem is you assume that because the percentage of men who kill women under these circumstances is low, it is effectively zero. To you, who doesn’t have to worry about it, that’s okay. For us women, since the number is not zero, then we have to assume any rejection could be the one that sets it off. Don’t worry,

I’m sure the dead woman’s family feel their loss less because statistically, it was very unlikely that some psycho would shoot her

MRAs’ list of demands require that women completely ignore murders like these, no matter the circumstances involved, and leave themselves completely, entirely, at all times available to them, in all ways.

Anyone who feels the need to #NotAllMen on an article about a man who murdered a woman because he felt entitled to sexually harass anyone he damned well pleases is either choosing to ignore whatever’s happening right in front of their faces, or is a fucking idiot.

Quit being a disingenuous sealioning fuckwit. You’re acting like being shot is the only form of retaliation women ever experience for saying no. It isn’t. There’s a million different ways men refuse to take no for an answer and every woman has experienced at least one of them. Since these guys don’t wear signs, we

People are not statistics, they’re people. They don’t operate by a law of averages. There’s no way to say “Well theres a 2% if you reject me I’ll snap. It’s not like she just got unlucky on the roll with interacting with this guy. That’s why this is terrifying. You can’t tell what a person is thinking or capable of.

“Liberal men” who cry “#NotAllMen” at the drop of a trilby-called-”fedora” aren’t helping anything. They’re acting as agents of the status quo MRAs proudly and gleefully fight for.

People ‘arguably’ have a reason o be insulted by you locking your car door?