I was in the army and was in Afghanistan you fuckwit. I'm 32
I was in the army and was in Afghanistan you fuckwit. I'm 32
Yes, yes. One day men will learn to not put up with the horrible things women do to them. What an inciteful comment on this article about men selling young girls into slavery for cigarettes
If only Dany Targaryan was real. Oh wait, she’d just make things worse and then bore everybody
I propose a radical feminist paramilitary group to go in and cut the balls off each and every one of these motherfuckers ( and Boko Haram, too.) We will also be known as Isis, Egyptian goddess and friend to slaves and the downtrodden. We will have matching embroidered jackets, too.
the lede image reminds me of this woman getting rid of her mandated black niqab after fleeing:
They’re both idiots. That animal clearly died from illness, or perhaps toxins in its diet.
I love Retta, but she didn’t actually think he didn’t know how to use “get it,” did she? He was so obviously making a joke.
Not true. You should see her in interviews- especially off-the-cuff things that aren’t obviously rehearsed and especially when she has other people to play off. Her timing is perfect, and she knows how to make other people look as good as she does.
*Except* for Yondu! “These boys wanted to eat you! They ain’t never tasted Terran before. I saved your life!” <3
I saw Guardians three times in the theatres. Laughed my ass off. Enjoyed it immensely. And how could you not love a movie that literally ends with the hero TRYING TO DO A DANCE OFF.
Oh sure—I had my own for 13 years. But even when my real canine golden was morbidly obese he could still lick his own dick. He maintained a VERY CHEERFUL outlook on life, even when he got cancer, right up to the day he died he was a happy chappie. correlation between his ability to lick his own junk and his wonderful…
More people should do that. Admit you said the wrong thing. Admit you didn’t know. Quit doubling down or splitting hairs. Just say “Whoopsie!”
He and Jennifer Lawrence are tied for “Closest that a human can get to being a puppy while still retaining extremely attractive human form.”
Wait... Did you just make me like Ariana Grande?
Ummm ... Wat?
Since it was unlikely to be attracting predators to you and your newborn while you were recovering from childbirth and unable to escape the ravening hordes of wild beasts hunting weak prey, you made the right call.
Not only did I not see my placenta, the Mister, a big baby, didn’t even help catch our daughter. Honestly, he’s a great person and husband and father, but he was a complete zero in the delivery room.
Chopping off her hair. What kind of fucking medieval punishment is this? That’s what they did to women who slept with Germans during the French occupation. Getting drunk or whatever doesn’t warrant this hateful treatment. This is horrid.