Holy Hyaena

Agents of SHIELD ftw!

Turn her on to Agents of SHIELD , if she’s old enough. Ming Na Wen and Chloe Bennett are both awesome.

Yes, metal will eventually decompose. Far more likely? An animal will try to ingest it and die but yes, technically you are correct.

As poppet alluded to, it really does amount to littering. But the “it’s just one” thing is part of the problem. If we all excuse ourselves for doing one destructive thing each, all of that piles up into a hell of a lot of damage. It’s infrequently just one person who does these sorts of things!

I find him a fascinating character. He was such a Don wanna be for so long, to the point of rape, but seems to have found his own breed of awfulness. What kills me is Vincent Kartheiser was never nominated for the part, which is just a damn shame; it’s a great performance.

Congratulations? Good thing that leaves you with all that time to comment on articles about shows you don't watch.

The actor who played Glen is Matthew Weiner’s son. When I found that out, everything made so much more sense.

People talk shit on Pete but he is one of the more interesting characters, If he were as handsome as Don everyone would fucking love him, in fact he is essentially the same character. Don is every bit of the social climber/schemer Pete is.

I mean, I hear you but not being able to act didn’t stop him from giving us a fuck ton more of Glen than we ever got of Bobby.

But Don’s secret was revealed at so many points during the series! Even in the penultimate ep, when he tells the war veterans what he did during the war. See Ladyology’s comment for a list of the reveals.

It was in an episode entitled Meditations on an Emergency, the season 2 finale. That whole episode is worth a rewatch on Netflix.

Pete knew, and I loved that she told Stan in one of the final eps.

Hmm, I still disagree. They argued, she called to apologize, the conversation seemed natural in its evolution. That’s Stan and Peggy to me. They annoy each other, they need each other, they make each other better people. It felt like the natural way to end their story.

I loved it. I mean, I’m admittedly a sucker, but it worked. Her immediate response of “I don’t think about you at all” and then the way she had to talk herself into understanding her true feelings felt very real. The surprise she felt at the fact that she had feelings at all. Stan’s always been more in tune with

I think her arc ended quite nicely if you include her badass half-drunk cigarette-in-mouth walk into McCann, and then her putting that bitchy manager lady in her place about the Chevalier account. The boyfriend was just the cherry on top for someone who deserved a happy ending.

That relationship has been building for years. I don’t understand how you can think it was shoehorned in.

Why? It was a nice breath of fresh air in this usually depressing show. It’s fine if some people get to be happy. If you must, think about poor Sally and then you can feel like the sappy love was cancelled out by her misery :)

A lot of people on forums today feel the same way as you. I actually don’t. In an hour of saying goodbye to characters we have known for 8 years, and seeing them wrapped up with little bows as they go forward I really enjoyed the phone conversation between Peggy and Stan. It was a throwback to a classic 60’s film and

You surely understand that this is fiction, not reality, and that liberties are expected to be taken?

That’s been true of Mad Men from the very beginning, though. The Lucky Strike campaign, the Kodak Carousel, etc. There are a number of actual products/slogans co-opted or referenced by the fictional Mad Men.