Holy Hyaena

She’s channeling Sansa to please the people who control the show.

I seriously cannot believe how badly they fucked this up. I mean this is essentially what happened in the books to a different character that has been switched out for Sansa, but Jesus Christ, in one insane plot adjustment they managed to completely trash almost all of Sansa’s development so far and in my opinion

If I don’t want to watch the entire 24minute video, at what time am I supposed to look?

But you were stealing from the owner, not the patrons, so that makes it okay, in Hell, where you’re going.

Something like this happened to me at a local place once. I was scanning my checking account and noticed the overcharge from the restaurant. When I have the cash, I’ll leave the tip in real money instead of adding it to the bill, which is what I did that day. Called the restaurant to find out why I’d been overcharged.

Ah, the old “I have no clue how any of this works, but I’m going to assume that nobody has ever thought of the incredibly obvious scam I’m pulling.” school of criminality.

Honestly, if she would just wear clothes in her size...she’s always wearing things a size or two too small.

Ugh. She has lived in a bubble of elitism, wealth, and unreality her entire life. Don’t blame her shit on the dyslexia or poor self-esteem.

god forbid a comedian make a joke, unless they are sinless? Didn’t he also admit fault on-air, on his own show? and apologize to his SO and the audience? On air?

Nope. Giving a twit like Paris Hilton the normal sort of interview is actively promoting her bullshit and perpetuating the cycle of dumbfuckery that is the current famous-for-being-famous “celebrity” era. Fuck that.

Explain why it’s bad to be a bully to a rich, enormously entitled, little shithead like Paris Hilton.

I agree. I'm not bothered by it.

Or maybe it was the fact that she was offering bullshit one and two word answers for the entire “interview”? Probably could have headed off the entire thing if she had simply actually answered one of his first questions, made a self deprecating joke, and moved on. I mean, come on, everyone knows you don’t go on

She made a brief statement expressing sadness about the death but not addressing the claims in the suicide note. I don’t much like Roberts, but that’s really all she can do. Think how she’d look if she responded that her sister was lying or had been cruel to her or anything else like that.

I’m really hard pressed to give a fuck about someone asking an insanely rich and vacant heiress about the only interesting thing that ever happened to her.

I did for a minute, too. But then I thought “If the media actually treated people like her\Kardashians\etc like this, maybe we’d have less of them”. So, good for you, Dave!

There was some kind of “statement” from Roberts when it happened, I believe. But, you know, as much as I really don’t care for Roberts, it’s extremely unfair to “blame” your (or anyone else’s) suicide on someone else. Suicidal ideation is extremely complex, and typically no one else can “drive you to it.” I’m sure

I swear to god she stopped aging like 9 or 10 years ago. She def aged like a mortal for a while, but then just stopped. I want whatever plastic surgery she had at whatever age she had it. She looks gorgeous.

When have those ever NOT gone hand in hand tho???

Contrarian editorial: I like U2, and the only thing worse than: